Typhoon Hits Taiwan, Thousands EvacuateVOA News
July 12, 2013
Thousands of people were evacuated in Taiwan as a powerful typhoon made landfall on the northern part of the island.
Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said Typhoon Soulik hit the northeast coast early Saturday morning.
Businesses and schools were closed and residents were advised to stay indoors. Taiwan's China Airlines and Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways have warned of significant flight cancellations.
Later Saturday, the typhoon is expected to cross the narrow Taiwan Strait and hit the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Zhejiang. Recent torrential rain across large parts of China has already left 200 people dead or missing
3 Hospitalized in Pamplona's Bull Run
July 13, 2013
Twenty-three people have been hurt during Pamplona's running of the bulls.
A Spaniard and an American were gored Saturday by bulls during the run. Many other people were trampled by bulls after they became trapped at an entrance to Pamplona's bull ring.
The animals charged into a tunnel where people were bottled up in the narrow passage.
Early morning bull runs are a major part of the San Fermin festival, which was made famous by Ernest Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises.
The number of festival attendees in the northern Spanish city tends to rise on weekends -- increasing the threat of injuries and pileups.
The last fatal goring at a Spanish bull run was in 2009.
Language Notes 
evacuate (v) 撤離
landfall (n) 著陸
bureau (n) 局處XXXXX*注意發音:
resident (n) 居民
indoors (adv) 在室內XXXXX*本字須注意拼法:字尾有 "s",是副詞,沒有 "s",是形容詞,例:“an indoor swimming poor”「室內游泳池」
torrential rain (n phr) 豪雨
因應(蘇利)颱風在台灣北部登陸 (made landfall on . . .),數千居民遭撤離 (evacuated)。商店 (businesses) 與學校關閉,民眾也建議要待在室內 (stay indoors)。台灣的中華航空 (China Airlines) 與香港的國泰航空 (Cathay Pacific Airways) 都預警 (warned of . . .)將會有多架班機取消 (flight cancellations)。
颱風預計於周六稍晚時間 (Later Saturday) 會穿越 (cross)台灣海峽 ,到達中國福建與浙江省 (provinces)。近日在中國的豪大雨 (torrential rain) 已經造成兩百人死亡與失蹤 (missing)。
Spaniard (n) 西班牙人XXXXX * 泛指「西班牙人」有 the Spanish 的寫法,指的是一個群體,但新聞中單指「一位西班牙人」的話,英文用 a Spaniard 為佳,不然就寫成 a Spanish person /man /woman
gore (v) (被動物的硬角)刺穿、刺傷
trample (v) 踐踏
charge (v) 猛衝,攻擊XXXXX *charge做此意時,常用結構為 charge at / towards / into . . .
pileup (n) 追撞XXXXX *本字拆開是個動詞片語 pile up,意思是「累積、堆疊」,常用來指車輛追撞的連環車禍,在此指人群堆疊而造成的意外事故
西班牙潘普洛納 (Pamplona) 的奔牛節有23人受傷,各一西班牙人 (Spaniard) 與美國人於星期六的奔牛活動中被牛角刺傷 (gored)。其他民眾因受困在鬥牛場 (bull ring) 入口,被牛隻踩踏 (trampled)而受傷 ,起因是在牛隻奔往的通道(charged into a tunnel)中,群眾堵塞在 (were bottled up) 狹窄的通道口 (passage)所致。
在這個西班牙北部城市參與節慶的人數 (the number of festival attendees)會在周末時增多 (rise),因而提高了受傷與推擠意外 (pileups) 的威脅。
Language Tips 
新聞中有兩個常用,但也常被用錯的字:advise 和 warn。
首先要注意advise拼法:"se" 結尾的 adivise 是動詞,"ce" 結尾的advice 是名詞。名詞 advice 當「建議、忠告」的意思時是不可數名詞,例 “My advice to you is to get well-prepared.”
"advise somebody to do something"是建議某人去做某件事,新聞中這一句 “. . . residents were advised to stay indoors”,使用了 advise 的被動語態。英文的被動語態有兩個使用的時機,其一是要強調動作的受詞,其二是主動語態時的主詞不重要。如果本來的主詞屬於不用多說的主詞或空泛的主詞,採用被動語態時可以把 "by someone" 這個部份省去不寫,去除句子裡不重要的訊息、多餘的字,達到簡潔易讀的效果。因為颱風天建議群眾待家裡的不外乎就是政府機構或官方組織,是常識性的訊息,沒有什麼特別性,因此被動語態是比較好的寫法。
"advise somebody to do something"是建議某人去做某件事,但如果是「建議某人打消念頭、不要去做某件事」,則要搭配介係詞 "against",成為 “advise somebody against something”,原句因此也可改寫為 “Residents were advised against going outside.”
“advise somebody of something”的意思跟建議無關,是「通知、告知」的意思,是較正式的語言,例如 “Please advise us of any new developments.” (如有任何進展,請通知我們),也可以使用 "keep sombody advised of something" 改寫:"Please keep us advised of any new developments."
"warn" 的意思依照程度差異,可以是「預警、預先告知(壞消息)」,或是「警告」。
“warn of /about something” 是「對某件事提出警訊、預先告知一個壞消息」。新聞中的句子是 “Taiwan's China Airlines and Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways have warned of significant flight cancellations (兩間航空公司都預警會有班機取消) ”。受到警告的「對象」也可以寫出來,成為 “warn somebody of/about something” 的結構,故原句可改改寫成 “Taiwan's China Airlines and Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific Airways have warned their passengers of significant flight cancellations." (兩間航空公司都對乘客發出警示,將會有班機取消) 。
“warn somebody against something”是「警告、告誡某人不要去做某件事」時,例如,“They warned us against swimming in the river.” warn 也可搭配否定的不定詞 (not to V)來表達希望對方不要去做某件事,上例句可改寫為:“They warned us not to swim in the river.”
“warn somebody of something" (預先通知某人某件事) 與 "warn somebody against / not to do something” (警告某人不要做某事)因為有把被警告的對象、warn 的受詞 寫出來,所以都能改寫成被動語態,"by someone" 這個部份也是視情況,可以考慮省略,以求句子精簡。以上面的句子來改寫:"Passengers have been warned of flight cancellatins (by . . . ) ."、"We were warned not to swim in the river (by them)."、"We were warned against swimming in the river (by them) ."
Check your vocabulary! 
Fill in the blanks with a word or phrase from the list above. Make necessary changes. After you finish, select the text below to reveal the hidden answers.
1. He is now Director of the Maritime Transport Bureau.
2. The bullfighter was badly gored.
3. Local residents are protesting about the new road.
4. Several families were evacuated from their homes.
5. He was trampled to death by an elephant.
6. The lion charged at those little animals.