


Earth-sized Planet Discovered in Alpha Centauri System



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劇烈的氣候變遷下,全球風災水災不斷。美國東岸在今年夏天,不只有破紀錄的熱浪(a record heat wave)來襲,伴隨而來的風暴,造成了大規模停電(widespread power outages),部分區域限水(water restrictions),強風吹倒的落樹(fallen trees)更造成人民傷亡。州政府可以宣布進入緊急狀態(the State of Emergency),讓資源可更有效的投入救災。讓我們一起來學這些跟天災有關的新聞英語用法。在本期中我們使用Contemporary Topics 2的一個單元作為聽力訓練,在課堂上老師講解「Global English」的概念,我們也一起學習吧!

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The Big Bang Theory是一部美國電視台 CBS 在 2007 年推出的情境喜劇 sitcom (situation comedy),在台灣翻譯成"宅男行不行"。「The Big Bang Theory」是常見的宇宙大爆炸理論,劇情描述的是四個科學怪才和一位金髮美女的故事。一個美女和四個科學怪才的故事就這樣在笑聲中開始上演...。


Earth-sized Planet Discovered in Alpha Centauri System

by VOA News

Astronomers in Europe have discovered the first-ever planet with a mass similar to Earth and orbiting a star like the Sun. And, ___1___ galactic terms, it’s right next door.

The unnamed planet is in the Alpha Centauri star system, the nearest system to Earth, according to the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

“This result ___2___ a major step towards the detection of a twin Earth in the immediatevicinity of the Sun. We live in exciting times!” said Xavier Dumusque of the Geneva Observatory and Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto in Portugal in a ___3___ release on the discovery.

___4___ the excitement, scientists say the new planet’s climate likely would not be nearly as hospitable as Earth.

“Its orbit is very close to its star and it must be much too hot for life as we know it,” said Stéphane Udry of the Geneva Observatory and a co-author of the paper about the discovery.

The ___5___ planet orbits a mere six million kilometers from its star, much closer than Mercury is to the Sun.

Alpha Centauri is the nearest stellar system to the earth’s solar system at only 4.3 light-years, making it one of the brightest objects in the southern skies. It is actually a three-star system ___6___ of two stars similar to the Sun orbiting close to each other, Alpha Centauri A and B, and a more distant and faint red star known as Proxima Centauri.

By detecting tiny wobbles in the motion of Alpha Centauri B, astronomers were able to determine the presence of the planet. The planet’s ___7___ on the star causes it to move no more than 51 centimeters per second, or about the speed of a baby crawling.

In 1995, the same team ___8___ the first exoplanet around a Sun-like star. There have been more than 800 confirmed discoveries of exoplanets using the same wobble method ___9___ then, according to the ESO, but scientists have yet to find a planet of Earth’s size orbiting at a habitable distance from its star.



  • orbit v. to travel in a curved path around a much larger object
  • vicinity n. the area around a particular place
  • hospitable adj. used for describing an environment in which things can grow
  • stellar adj. relating to the stars
  • wobble v. to move unsteadily from side to side



1. (A) by (B) with (C) in (D) of

2. (A) represented (B) represents (C) has represented (D) representing

3. (A) reporter (B) press (C) record (D) film

4. (A) Despite (B) In spite (C) Although (D) Since

5. (A) discover newly (B)discover new (C) new discovered (D) newly discovered

6. (A) made up (B) made for (C) made off (D) made over

7. (A) effect (B) affect (C) efficiency (D) affection

8. (A) was discovered (B) discover (C) discovered (D) had discovered

9. (A) by (B) for (C) from (D) since


Source: http://www.voanews.com/content/european_astronomers_discover_new_planet/1528161.html

Answers: C B B A D A A C D

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