


Effort Underway to Boost US Voter Participation








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劇烈的氣候變遷下,全球風災水災不斷。美國東岸在今年夏天,不只有破紀錄的熱浪(a record heat wave)來襲,伴隨而來的風暴,造成了大規模停電(widespread power outages),部分區域限水(water restrictions),強風吹倒的落樹(fallen trees)更造成人民傷亡。州政府可以宣布進入緊急狀態(the State of Emergency),讓資源可更有效的投入救災。讓我們一起來學這些跟天災有關的新聞英語用法。在本期中我們使用Contemporary Topics 2的一個單元作為聽力訓練,在課堂上老師講解「Global English」的概念,我們也一起學習吧!

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feature of the week

goEnglish.me (VOA Learning English)

本次要介紹的是VOA Learning English的goEnglish.me系列課程。相較於VOA其它的教學單元,主要是以理解或單字為訓練重點,VOA Learning English這次轉換學習重點,推出了一系列以「口說」訓練為主的單元。使用者可以在實際的模擬情境裡,進行各種會話練習。單元的主題設計包含了生活的各個層面,在不同的場景裡,都可以做出合宜又漂亮的應答。這次VOA Learning English所推出的教材,在整體品質與設計細節上,都不輸給市面上許多的付費使用軟體。對於英語會話有興趣的同學,一定不能錯過這樣「好康的」資源。

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近來金管會證期局為避免基金投資人「炒短線」,要求投信業者訂定短線交易相關規範。「炒短線」英文怎麼說?較接近的是swing trade,作動詞用,作名詞時譯為「擺盪式交易」,屬「短線交易」(short-term trading)的一種,也有(short) swing trading的說法,指投資人根據股票或基金的小幅走勢,頻繁買進賣出進行短線交易。想知道更多商用英語說法嗎?快試試視聽館的Biz商用英語自學軟體吧!



美國Purdue大學相當知名的寫作中心學術網站。除了提供一般性寫作參考,也更有許 多ESP (English for Specific Purposes)的寫作資料,建議瀏覽包括留學申請信函、履歷、學術論文、商用書信等的寫作範本。網站中也有教導學生如何做簡報,和提供線上寫作咨詢服務。另外想要提升英文文法能力的同學不妨試試裡面的 Practice Exercises,對英語寫作有相當的幫助。








I. Listen for main ideas

  • Watch the news video and decide whether the following statements are true or false (Write “T” for True and “F” for false).

1. ____ Shakei Haynes (the African-American student showing up at the beginning of the video wearing a checker shirt) believes that every college student should cast their vote.

2. ____ It has been hard for Shakei Haynes to urge people to vote.

3. ____ One of the comments from the news suggests that voting is a way to express what the people need and feel in their country

4. ____ Some people in the university are not willing to vote because they tend to care less about politics.

5. ____ The news shows that Mr. Obama is very likely to win the election in this November.


II. Listen for details

  • Watch the news video again and answer the following questions.

1. Shakei Haynes is helping college students _______ to vote in the November election.

A) register B) apply C) fill D) sign


2. Shakei Haynes has been advocating students to participate in politics since _______.

A) 2004 B) elementary school C) 2 years ago D) 16 years old


3. Shakei Haynes believes that people know it’s _______ to pay attention to the presidential election.

A) reliable B) urgent C) beneficial D) unrealistic


4. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, about _______ million African Americans ages 18 to 30 were unregistered to vote.

A) 3.5 B) 5 C) 5.5 D) 7


5. Howard student Jai Dungey from New Jersey says everyone should know their vote _______.

A) counts B) matters C) values D) requires


6. Jai Dungey argues that voting is a right rather than a/an _______.

A) idea B) proposal C) privilege D) fantasy


7. The target audiences of the non-partisan Voter Participation Center in Washington include people from different _______ and women who ________ married.

A) countries; are B) races; are not C) cultures; are just D) universities; don’t want to get



I. 1. T2. F3. T4. F5. F

II. 1. A2. D3. B4. A5. B6. C7. B

Source: http://www.voanews.com/content/effort-underway-to-boost-us-voter-participation/1527821.html

English Freeway


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