


Words and Their Stories: Money

penny wise and pound foolish-- wise about small things, but not about important things



Twenty Powerball Winners in Iowa will split a 1 million lottery windfall they won earlier this month

Photo from VOA NEWS




Rescuing Masai Girls From Early Marriiage--現在人大多晚婚,但是您知道嗎?在非洲肯亞名叫(Masai)的部落,這裡的女孩在很小的年紀就已經被預約要嫁給年紀比他們大很多的男士,而這樣的習俗實際上卻是會造成心理、生理等許多的問題。讓我們一同來看究竟! 別忘了做題目喔!


本期自學包裹的主期是"捐款",捐款本應是自發性的活動,藉由幫助別人而讓自己也有愉快的感覺。但是如果有點半強迫的要求捐款,似乎就不那麼令人愉快了。本期的聽力和第一篇文章探討的就是目前在英國廣為討論的這個新興現象。第二篇文章則是介紹另外一種意想不到的捐款方式。 Now, let's enjoy the fun of learning!

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C C Prose

YouTube上到處都是英語學習的寶藏,本次要介紹給大家的是「CC Prose」。「CC Prose」這個影音頻道沒有華麗的畫面,只是很簡單的把書本念給你聽,同時打上字幕,讓你可以邊聽邊讀。學習語言時,大量而廣泛的閱讀是增進字彙與閱讀理解力的最好方法,但也需要過人的毅力與決心才能達成。「CC Prose」的邊聽邊讀模式,不僅讓你跟著固定節奏,慢慢的讀完一本書,這樣聽讀的方式,在英語學習上還有很多好處,請看本期說明。

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CNN新聞是相當好的英語學習資源,但是在看新聞時常常會覺得鴨子聽雷,或是說話速度太快,讓人措手不及。現在藉由LiveABC的練習題與英文腳本的幫助,讓你反覆聆聽英語新聞,不知不覺中輕鬆地聽懂英語新聞。...... 來看看該如何使用吧!

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Words and Their Stories: Money

Click on the link to listen to the talk and match the following expressions with their definitions according to the content you hear.


A) under the pressure of something

B) a sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain

C) a lazy person; a person with no job and no money, who is not part of normal society

D) an amount of money that is not large enough to be important

E) to earn a large amount of money

F) born in a wealthy family

G) a person who does not like to spend money

H) to spend a lot of money on something that you do not really need

I) complete broke

J) to win a large amount of money gambling or in a lottery

K) pay for the bill

L) to have a lot of money and spend large amounts on things that are not necessary

M) an expression describing someone who spends money as soon as it is earned

N) using very little money

O) without money, a home or a job, and living on the streets

P) a sum of money that you save to use in the future

Q) very careful or mean with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums.


1) make money hand over fist: ______

2) windfall: ______

3) born with a silver spoon in his mouth: ______

4) be hard up: ______

5) chicken feed: ______

6) deadbeat: ______

7) cheapskate: ______

8) flat broke: ______

9) hit the jackpot: ______

10) splurged: ______

11) had money to burn: ______

12) Money burns a hole in his pocket:. ______

13) foot the bill: ______

14) down and out: ______

15) nest egg: ______

16) on a shoestring: ______

17) penny wise and pound foolish: ______


Ans: 1. E 2. B 3. F 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. G 8. I 9. J 10. H 11. L 12. M 13.K 

14. O 15.P 16. N 17. Q

Source:  http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/words-and-their-stories-money-part-1/1352148.html

English Freeway


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