


Starting Younger to Prevent Dating Abuse

Photo from VOA NEWS




在各國反對聲浪之中,北韓發射了多階段火箭(multi-stage rocket)。雖然火箭第一階段後就失敗,未能把人造觀測衛星(observation satellite)送上軌道,但各國仍同聲撻伐,將之視為挑釁行為(provocation),也違反聯合國決議(resolution)。更有情報指出,北韓的下一階段是地下的核子試爆(underground explosions of nuclear devices)。更多關於軍事與國際政治的英文表達法都在本期的自學包裹裡。

聽力訓練在本期一起來聽有 「絕世金嗓 (The Voice)」 美名的已故西洋天后Whitney Houston的經典名曲「I Will Always Love You」,一同欣賞這位金嗓天后的傳奇歌聲。」

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本期介紹一套內容多元且取材廣泛的英語學習教材--World English。這套教材取材National Geographic的圖片和影片,用真實、生活化、主題試的方式,製作不同程度的教學內容。real people、real places、real language是這一套書籍的特色,以真實的人事時地物,引領讀者從世界各地發生的真實故事來學習英文,既豐富有趣,又可擴展視野。


Starting Younger to Prevent Dating Abuse



  • Please click on the link to listen to the news clip and answer the following questions.


I. Vocabulary Check-up

abusive   using rude and offensive words

24/7   twenty four hours a day, seven days a week; all the time

boundary   the limit of a subject or principle

ally   someone who helps and supports someone else

mistreat   to treat a person or animal badly, cruelly or unfairly

Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the word list above

1. We offer _________ internet access.

2. I think people who __________ their pets should be banned from keeping them.

3. Electronic publishing is blurring the ______________ between dictionaries and encyclopedias.

4. He is generally considered to be the Prime Minister's closest political ___________.

5. He was apparently _________ to the flight attendants because they refused to serve him alcohol.


II. Listening Comprehension / True or False

1. _____ Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a study in regard to high school students in the United States.

2. _____ They study showed fifty percent of seventh graders had been the victim of physical violence in a relationship with the opposite sex.

3. _____ The objective of the program is to help eleven- to fourteen-year-olds learn the skills to build healthy relationships.

4. _____ Multimedia has brought the influence on violent relationships.

5. _____ The saying “young people have access to one another 24/7” means that young people have the control to use the Internet all the time.

6. _____ Based on Kelly Miller, young people need adults to teach them what it means to have a healthy relationship.

7. _____ According to the teaching from the organization called Men Can Stop Rape, being a strong man is about physical strength.

8. _____ Based on the report, males can actually be allies of girls and women.

9. _____ According to Ms. Miller, the number of high school students who have been physically hurt by a dating partner has gradually dropped in the past six years.

10. _____ This report mainly shows the skills needed to build healthy relationships.

Answer key:

I. 1. 24/7 2. mistreat 3. boundaries 4. ally 5. abusive

II. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F

Source: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/starting-young-toprevent-dating-abuse-later/1418747.html

English Freeway


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