


Remembering Remote Control Inventor Eugene Polley

Eugene Polley, inventor of the wireless television remote control, holding his revolutionary device. (Phto from: VOA NEWS)

 來看看"couch potatoes"的英雄--remote control的發明者是誰吧 



外語教學暨資源中心寫作工作室100學年度第二學期的英文寫作諮詢於312日開始服務, 35日起即開放預約。諮詢日期自101312日起至101615日止,週一至週五均開放五個諮詢時段,歡迎同學多加利用! 




在各國反對聲浪之中,北韓發射了多階段火箭(multi-stage rocket)。雖然火箭第一階段後就失敗,未能把人造觀測衛星(observation satellite)送上軌道,但各國仍同聲撻伐,將之視為挑釁行為(provocation),也違反聯合國決議(resolution)。更有情報指出,北韓的下一階段是地下的核子試爆(underground explosions of nuclear devices)。更多關於軍事與國際政治的英文表達法都在本期的自學包裹裡。

聽力訓練在本期一起來聽有 「絕世金嗓 (The Voice)」 美名的已故西洋天后Whitney Houston的經典名曲「I Will Always Love You」,一同欣賞這位金嗓天后的傳奇歌聲。」

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Remembering Remote Control Inventor Eugene Polley


Whenever someone leaves the earth having changed it, we like to make note of it.

Not just the famous or notorious, but also obscure people who dreamed up something memorable or useful in our everyday lives.

So we’ve told you about those who brought us the TV dinner, the hula hoop, and that shocking-orange color called “Day-Glo.”

Recently we lost Eugene Polley of Downers Grove, Illinois, at age 96. He invented the Flash-Matic. That may not ring a bell until we tell you that this device, which looked like a combination hair dryer and ray gun, was the first really useful TV remote control.

Although they didn’t know his name, Eugene Polley became a hero to sedentary souls we call “couch potatoes,” and a villain to those who are fighting America’s obesity epidemic.

Polley started as a stock boy at the Zenith Electric Company in Chicago during the Great Depression of the 1930s. But he had a way with gadgets. He studied engineering and eventually helped Zenith develop bomb fuses, push-button radios, and video disks.

But the Flash-Matic was his crowning achievement, which Zenith introduced in 1955. For it, the company gave him a ,000 bonus─and kept the patent and profits for itself.

The Flash-Matic was not the first hand-held control that could change TV channels and volume. But earlier models were tethered to the set by a cord, over which owners often tripped and on which family dogs sometimes chewed.

The Associated Press reported that the Flash-Matic performed “TV miracles” while being “absolutely harmless to humans.” This was noted because kids playing spacemen were running around America at the time, zapping each other with toy ray guns.

The man known as “the father of the remote control” told the Baltimore Sun newspaper in 2000, “It makes me think maybe my life wasn’t wasted. Maybe I did something for humanity, like the guy who invented the flush toilet.”

At Eugene Polley’s passing, Sean O’Neal, a writer on the A.V. Club Web site, suggested a moment of silence in gratitude. To do that, he thought television viewers should punch “mute” on their remotes.


I. Scanning for Information

Scan the article for the answer to each question. Work as quickly as possible.

1. How old was Eugene Polley when he died?

2. What was the name of the TV remote control that Polley invented?

3. What company did Polley work for during the 1930s?

4. When was Polley’s TV remote control introduced?

5. How much did Polley get for his TV remote control?


II. Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer.

6. In paragraph 2, the word obscure is closest in meaning to _____.

A) recognized B) unknown C) infamous D) famed

7. What does the idiom “ring a bell” in paragraph 4 mean?

A) sound familiar B) sound impressive C) sound catchy D) sound interesting

8. What does Polley’s TV remote control look like?

A) A flashlight B) An electric drill

C) A combination of a microphone and a gun

D) A combination of a hair dryer and a ray gun

9. Which of the following is a drawback of previous TV hand-held controls?

A) Earlier controls often malfunctioned.

B) Children pretended the controls were toy guns and often broke or lost them in their games.

C) Users often tripped over cords that connected controls to TVs.

D) Not all hand-held controls could plug into TV sets.

10. How did Polley feel about his invention?

A) Disappointed B) Embarrassed C) Humiliated D) Proud


Answer Key:

1. 96 2. The Flash-Matic 3. The Zenith Electric Company 4. 1955 5. ,000

6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D

Source: http://www.voanews.com/content/remembering-remote-control-inventor-gene-polley/1146103.html

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