


Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children


Photo from VOANEWS



100學年台大外語教學暨資源中心 大一英文課 MyET口說競賽 Oral Presentation for Freshman Students



◎ MyET台大外語教學暨資源中心Speaking Proficiency Test競賽




競賽時間:3/1 - 5/31


「先聽說、後讀寫」是學好 一種語言最有效的方法;結合先進科技和專業語言教學法的MyET-MyCT,提供一個以聽說訓練為主的語言學習環境,讓學習者透過「眼看、耳聽、口說」學習模式有效培養聽力、改善發音與腔調,迅速提昇口說能力,終極聾啞英語的弊病。不論您是否已經安排了國外旅遊還是在世界任何角落,都可以透過有網路連線的電腦,每天跟著進度參加比賽喔! 詳情請見網頁


外語教學暨資源中心寫作工作室100學年度第二學期的英文寫作諮詢將於312日開始服務, 35日起即開放預約。諮詢日期自101312日起至101615日止,週一至週五均開放五個諮詢時段,歡迎同學多加利用! 




科學家提出警告,過去認為只要把全球暖化控制在兩度C之內就算安全範圍 (a safe margin)的看法其實過於樂觀,甚至是「導致災難的處方簽」(a prescription for disaster)。各國都必須限制人為的溫室氣體排放(man-made emissions),但卻遲遲無法達成共識,尤其對於限制燃燒石化燃料(fossil fuels)的氣體排放(emissions)更是難有進展。更多精彩內容還有字彙,請看本期自學包裹內容。聽力訓練在本期一起來聽有 「絕世金嗓 (The Voice) 美名的已故西洋天后Whitney Houston的最後一張專輯主打歌「I look to you」。透過悠揚的曲調與真摯的歌詞,一同欣賞這位金嗓天后的傳奇歌聲。

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Clarity English: Study Skills Success – Speaking

Clarity English系統中,Study Skills Success的口說單元。想要能夠流利的說出英文,不但要注意流暢還要切合題意,文法以及時態甚至是輕重音,真是很困難呢。這時候好教材就很重要啦!這套教材在教同學怎麼回答各種問題的同時,還提供各種不同的回答範例,所以同學可以清楚地觀摩口說的回答技巧跟策略。有這麼棒的教材,同學還在等什麼呢?!...... 馬上登入Clarity English來使用吧!

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Why Getting Dirty Can Be Healthy for Children



Please click on the link to watch the news clip and answer the following questions.

I. Match the words with their definitions.

Read the sentences. Using the context, guess the meanings of the boldfaced words and expressions. Then match them with their definitions by typing in the letters representing the definitions.

A. a red, painful and often swollen area in or on a part of your body

B. an influencing element or factor

C. To aim at or for

D. unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning

E. an illness of the mind or body


1._____ The family have a history of mental disorder.

2._____ It is hoped that civilians will not be targeted during the war.

3._____ Education is the second most important determinant of recreational participation.

4._____ Aspirin reduces pain and inflammation.

5._____ Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable coincidence.


II. Listening Comprehension / True or False

1. _____ According to the new study, early exposure to germs can strengthen the immune system.

2. _____ The subjects of the study involved both laboratory mice and children.

3. _____ Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and hay fever are types of autoimmune diseases.

4. _____ According to Blumberg’s study, the increasing use of antibacterial soaps can strengthen immune system.

5. _____ Early exposure to microbes is an important determinant of later life sensitivity to allergic and autoimmune diseases.

6. _____ The mice raised in a germ-free environment were found inflammation in the lungs and colon.

7. _____ Once the ‘education’ event provided by the microbes occurred in early life, it lasted throught the life of the animal.

8. _____ Rates of autoimmune disorders are rising mostly in poorer and developing countries.

9. _____ The study suggests that we should stop washing our hands with antimicrobial soap.

10. _____ The study suggests that we should let our kids play in a reasonable amount of dirt but stay inside.



I. 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
II. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F


English Freeway


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