


Getting a Free Education, in Huge Online Classes


Photo from: VOA news


◎ MyET台大外語教學暨資源中心Speaking Proficiency Test競賽




競賽時間:3/1 - 5/31


「先聽說、後讀寫」是學好 一種語言最有效的方法;結合先進科技和專業語言教學法的MyET-MyCT,提供一個以聽說訓練為主的語言學習環境,讓學習者透過「眼看、耳聽、口說」學習模式有效培養聽力、改善發音與腔調,迅速提昇口說能力,終極聾啞英語的弊病。不論您是否已經安排了國外旅遊還是在世界任何角落,都可以透過有網路連線的電腦,每天跟著進度參加比賽喔! 詳情請見網頁


外語教學暨資源中心寫作工作室100學年度第二學期的英文寫作諮詢將於312日開始服務, 35日起即開放預約。諮詢日期自101312日起至101615日止,週一至週五均開放五個諮詢時段,歡迎同學多加利用! 





1. 聽力測驗一


2. 聽力測驗二

這幾年,小戶農家想要成功經營,必須別出心裁。來看看美國維吉尼亞州的Mary Ellen Taylor如何在有限的土地上種出美味、漂亮,又受歡迎的蔬菜。

3. 閱讀測驗


4. 片語


快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申請帳號和使用說明



feature of the week

VOA News: The Classroom

英語新聞一向是提升英語閱讀能力與字彙量最佳的工具。原因無他,持續而廣泛的閱讀能最直接的提升閱讀與理解能力。而且因為新聞英語的題材無窮,含蓋了生活經驗的各個層面。讀新聞能遇到的單字,當然也就比「精心設計」的教課書更多、更廣泛、更多樣。但新聞學英語的優點也就是其缺點。常使人困擾的是:「雖然讀過了,但這篇新聞要傳達的重要訊息是什麼?有沒有讀錯了,或是遺漏了重點?」、「單字那麼多,到底哪個單字才是重要的呢?每個字都要記得嗎?」有這兩個疑問的同學,一定要來試試VOA News的The Classroom系列。網站把新聞當成語言素材,設計有字彙、理解等題目,學習者在讀完、聽完新聞後就可以作練習題,直接檢視學習效果。

來看介紹 | 先到的VOA網站首頁,從頁面上的Learning English進入

Members Only資源介紹

Clarity English: Core Skills for Business Writing





《西班牙公寓》、《俄羅斯娃娃》等電影之後,導演Cédric Klapisch在巴黎展開另一個故事,再次以多線敘事手法,來表達人之間的關係...。


Getting a Free Education, in Huge Online Classes



  • Please click on the link to watch the news clip and answer the following questions.

I. Match the words with their definitions.

Read the sentences. Using the context, guess the meanings of the boldfaced words and expressions. Then match them with their definitions by typing in the letters representing the definitions.

A. describes something that can be done or seen using a computer and therefore without going anywhere or talking to anyone

B. a unit which represents a successfully completed part of an educational course

C. a remark about something that you have noticed

D. to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it:

E. able to be reached or easily obtained

F. There is no design to suit different levels of learning


1. _____ He's already got a credit in earth science.

2. _____ There are ungraded quizzes offered by online courses.

3. _____ The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation

4. _____ Learners can receive knowledge from virtual learning.

5. _____ The book is full of interesting observations on the nature of musical composition.

6. _____ The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very accessible.


II. Listening Comprehension / True or False

1. _____ Universities that offer massive open online courses are all free and non-credit.

2. _____ The Massachusetts Institute of Technology plans to offer many free, non-credit courses through a project called MOOCs.

3. _____ Subjects like computer science, technology, mechanics and engineering are offered by most massive open online courses.

4. _____ Mr. Thrun is a Google Fellow best known for his work on a driverless pod.

5. _____ People who would like to take these MOOCs must at least have a secondary school education.

6. _____ Quizzes are offered for helping students check their understanding of the courses.

7. _____ Learners can unlimitedly watch the videos and take the quizzes.

8. _____ The teachers hold virtual office hours to answer students’ questions.

9. _____ People who finish the course will receive a grade and proof of completion.

10. _____ What Mr. Thrun means to “democratize education” is that people should have the equal right of receiving education.



I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. B 2. F 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. E

II. Listening Comprehension / True or False

1. F 2.F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F


English Freeway


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