

Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children

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自學包裹(Self-Study Package)中高級第62期上線了!!


新加坡是位於赤道上方的島國,先天上並無豐富的資源,然而在前總理李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)的帶領下,50年後的新加坡擁有全球第四高的國民所得,也被譽為全球化最成功的國家之一。

新加坡全球化成功的背後,最令人讚賞的就是其對於雙語教育的努力與投資,星國30幾年前確立英文為官方語言,華語(Mandarin Chinese)為華人統一語言,雖然此一政策一路上所遭受的責難不斷,但卻為新加坡帶來了無比的國際競爭力,可是現在他們面臨的問題即華人孩子們已經不再說華文的窘境。


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feature of the week


本期Feature of the Week要介紹一個比較屬於基本英語學習資源的網站。在會話練習的部分,雖然缺點在於沒有音檔,但是在逐字稿範例部分,此網站提供相當多的情境。除此之外,本網站也整理了許多其他的資源,像是英語慣用語解釋,以及英語基礎文法的彙整等。

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你知道平均來說大學生每星期須花14個小時在課堂中聽講嗎? 你想閱讀更多關於聽力方面的技巧嗎?這個網站很精簡的提出七個重點,對你上課聽力的需要會有所幫助。




繼上一次介紹了一套廣受喜愛的法語教材之後,本期再介紹一套基礎的西班牙語教材--En Directo,這一套教材本只有初級,但作為自學,或課後的補充教材,可是很好的選擇!


Laying the Roots for Healthy Teeth in Young Children為孩子的牙齒健康打好根基

27 December 2011

  • Please click on the link to listen to the report and complete the blanks in the summary below.

Summary of the report:

1. Bad teeth can be d_______ if i_______ ns of the g_______ and teeth r_______ bacteria into the blood system, increasing the c_______ of a heart a_______ or s_______ and w_______g the effects of other d_______.

2. Not just adults, children are likely to be at r_______ as well. A boy died when a tooth i_______ s_______to his brain. If this boy h_______ received the d_______ care he needed, the accident might h_______ b_______ prevented.

3. B_______ milk is said to be able to help s_______ bacterial g_______ and a_______ production in the mouth. Even so, a baby's g_______ and early teeth should be c_______ using a c_______ with a little warm water after each f_______. Baby’s teeth can also be c_______ with a wet and s_______ toothbrush g_______y.

4. Fluoride is often a_______ to drinking water s_______. It is also mixed with enamel to prevent h_______ and c_______ from forming.

5. Young children should be carefully s_______ when they brush their teeth because they might s_______ toothpaste, which might c_______ problems.

6. According to experts, it is fine for babies to s_______ their t_______s or on a pacifier. However, parents should consult their dentists if their kids continue to s_______ their t_______s after the age of _______ because it might i_______ w_______ the development of p_______ teeth.

7. Children should have their first d_______ visit at least _______ the time they are _______ year old, to receive examination on their f_______ teeth---usually _______ around _______ months.



1. deadly; infections; gums; release; chances; attack; stroke; worsening; diseases

2. risk; infection; spread; had; dental; had been

3. Breast; slow; growth; acid; gums; cleaned; cloth; feeding; cleaned; soft; gently

4. added; supplies; holes; cavities

5. supervised; swallow; cause

6. suck; thumbs; suck; thumbs; four; interfere; with; permanent

7. dental; by; one; first; at; six


Source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/health/Laying-the-Roots-for-Healthy-Teeth-in-Young-Children-136279853.html

English Freeway


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