


US Troops Return from Iraq to Reflect on Their Future


Photo from: http://thekitchencabinet.us

Thousands of troops have been returning to bases in the United States as Washington completes its drawdown of forces in Iraq. At Fort Hood in the U.S. State of Texas, where planeloads of soldiers have been arriving ahead of a December 31st deadline to withdraw from Iraq.



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咦?沒什麼機會參加國際會議,所以這東西跟你無關?同學且慢且慢~現在有越來越多課程都是用英語授課,老師們為了訓練同學的英語能力,甚至會安排同學帶討論或者舉辦模擬會議喔!這種時候 MyET所提供的國際會議演講英語課程就可以派上用場啦!趕快一起來看看這個課程到底有些什麼~

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本期介紹一套權威性和使用度很高的法語教材--Echo。這一套教材是由法國CLE International集團所編撰發行。Echo深受法語學習者喜愛和支持,於2010年推出新版,外語教學中心購買的即為Echo新版,供學習法語的同學來本中心使用,作法語自學或課外補充教材。


US Troops Return from Iraq to Reflect on Their Future


Thousands of troops have been returning to bases in the United States as Washington completes its drawdown of forces in Iraq. At Fort Hood in the U.S. State of Texas, where planeloads of soldiers have been arriving ahead of a December 31st deadline to withdraw from Iraq.



The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies, and hugs from his children mean for Williams that he is home, and this time he can plan to stay for some time.

His wife, Royann, has been on her own with the children.  She says she is not sure if this was the right time for U.S forces to leave Iraq but she savors the moment of her husband's return.

“It's wonderful. We haven't been able to stop smiling and get the house decorated for Christmas because we waited for him and it's been wonderful," she said.

She reflects on the suffering and the sacrifice that her family has had to make in the past eight years and says that for her, none of it was in vain if it means her children will live in a safer world. “I would rather try to fight the terrorists on another soil than our own and if he had to go back as many times as he did, for our children hopefully not to have to go back over there.  As long as it was done right this time, it's definitely worth it," she said.

Williams came under fire several times in Iraq. He brings back a bronze medal.  But he says the biggest reward is knowing that he did his part to make his country safer by ridding Iraq of Saddam Hussein and fighting terrorist groups like al Qaida. “It was a great accomplishment in terms of, we've liberated a nation, we've taken care of the enemy on his soil, versus having him coming to the United States and attacking us again.  And I think in the long run I think it has saved a lot of soldiers and a lot of civilians in our country from having to make the ultimate sacrifice and having another 9-11," he said.

Williams, like thousands of others returning to Fort Hood, is going through a reintegration program and getting ready for his new role as a soldier at base. “(My) personal plan now is to reintegrate with my family, get reset, refit, go back to my unit after the holidays and start getting our unit going through that whole refit process that you do when you reset  all your equipment, get back into soldiering again," he said.

Williams says the war against terrorism is not finished and his job now is to get ready for the next engagement, whenever and wherever it may be.

For his family, this homecoming marks the advent of a new period of peace at home.


I. Reading comprehension:

1. What is True about Major William’s wife, Royann?

A) She thinks that her husband should be returned long time ago.

B) She is glad that her husband was in Iraq.

C) She thinks that her husband has been changed a lot since his return.

D) She thinks that her husband is suffering from Post-trauma Disorder.


2. What is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase?

A) set on fire B) engaged with battles C) went against orders D) travelled through


3. For Major Williams, what is the biggest reward after being in Iraq?

A) Overthrowing a regime B) Liberalizing Iraqis C) Being awarded a metal

D) Making his country a safer place to live


4. What is NOT an issue faced by Major William

A) Finding a new job B) Getting along with his children again

C) Refitting himself into his life in US D) Reintegrating into his unit


5. Which of following statements about this article is TRUE?

A) Major William will probably be deployed to another battle field.

B) His wife goes against the decision of the war between US and Iraq.

C) Major William would like to retire from army because of post-trauma disorder.

D) The war with terrorism, for Major William, has been triumphed and completed.


II. Cloze

Home __(6)__the holidays, with a hero's welcome.  This was the last of several deployments in Iraq for U.S. Army Major Mike Williams. “It's a sensational experience and the feeling is, I guess, of euphoria," he said.

Williams is one of the tens of __(7)__ leaving Iraq after President Obama's decision to bring home the troops by the end of the year.

After eight years and __(8)__ more than 4,000 Americans killed, troops are back on home soil. Thousands are returning to Fort Hood alone, __(9)__their guns, and preparing for life at home.

The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies, and hugs from his children __(10)__for Williams that he is home, and this time he can plan to stay for some time.

6. A) on B) for C) at D) during

7. A) thousands B) thousand C) many D) soldiers

8. A) X B) had C) with D) in

9. A) being taken away B) preparing C) presenting D) turning in

10. A) means B) mean C) meant D) meaning


Answer Key:



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