


The World at 7 Billion, and Growing


Photo from: VOA news



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feature of the week

Rachel Maddow Show

台灣選舉年,政治話題不斷,政論節目也隨選舉行情加溫,不管是節目數量或是節目激情指數也都爆增。在民主選舉的先河,美國,各種型態的政論節目也不少。但一個人就可以掌控大局,而且話無冷場的就不多了。MSNBC的Rachel Maddow就是其中一絕,無論是挖苦揭弊都一針見血。話鋒尖銳,有憑有據,有數字、有畫面,配合誇張的臉部表情跟豐富的聲音語言,以極度挖苦的諷刺跟幽默呈現,一個小時看下來,與其說是看政治評論,不如說是一場時政議題的個人脫口秀。Rachel Maddow口語表達有很多諷刺手法,時而明褒暗貶,時而指桑罵槐,訪問來賓時也不拐彎抹角,直指問題核心,常讓來賓毫無招架之力。透過Rachel Maddow show不僅能掌握美國最熱門的政治議題,也可以瞭解美式幽默,進一步豐富語言學習時的文化面向。只是Rachel Maddow講話的速度跟機關槍一樣快,需較長期的收聽才會習慣。 

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Postgraduates專區中,"Listening and Speaking"日前上傳了一系列,以動態簡報搭配影音解說的方式,介紹如何利用MIT WORLD網站來訓練學術英文聽力。這個優秀的網站開放讓使用者免費觀看麻省理工學院的各演講活動的錄影,對各位想聽學術演講,學習學術場合中英語聽力的同學們,別錯過囉。


連上圖書館的Naxos Spoken World Library資料庫,搜尋這些作品(每個故事有不同版本的CD喔),並下載<線上文學書房>網站上的錄音mp3檔,來賞析這些經典的文學作品吧!





The World at 7 Billion, and Growing


01 November 2011

The United Nations estimates that the world reached seven billion people on Monday. No one can be sure. The United States Census Bureau does not expect that to happen until March.

Populations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in Asia. At the same time, low fertility rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortages.

Population experts at the United Nations estimated that the world reached six billion in October nineteen ninety-nine. They predict nine billion by twenty-fifty and ten billion by the end of the century.

China's population of one and a third billion is currently the world's largest. India is second at 1.2 billion. But India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billion people around twenty twenty-five. India will also have one of the world's youngest populations.

Economists say this is a chance for a so-called demographic dividend. India could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populations. But economists say current rates of growth, although high, may not create enough jobs.

Also, the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor quality. Another concern is health care. Nearly half of India’s children under the age of five are malnourished. Sarah Crowe at the United Nations Children's Fund in New Delhi says these two problems "could keep India back."

SARAH CROWE: "That child is unable to really grow to its ability and will remain in a state of stunting and not be able to learn when it goes to school -- when he or she goes to school, and indeed later earn and really pay back and pay into the economy and help the country and the region move forward. We have, you know, out of every two hundred million children who start school, only ten percent complete grade twelve."

Michal Rutkowski is the director of human development in South Asia at the World Bank. He says the seven billionth person was likely to be a girl born in rural Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is one of India’s poorest and most crowded states, with nearly two hundred million people.

He says reaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to action.

MICHAL RUTKOWSKI: "I think the bottom line of the story is that the public policy needs to become really, really serious about gender equality and about access to services -- to combat malnutrition, and to provide for access to health services, water, sanitation, schooling."


I. Multiple choices

1. The phrase “fertility rate” is closest in meaning to ____.

A) unemployment rate B) death rate C) birth rate D) divorce rate


2. The population in some ____ is expected to ____.

A) developed countries; grow B) under developed countries; grow

C) under developed countries; drop D) developing countries; remain the same


3. Which of the following is TRUE about India and China?

A) Both of them are encountering a drop in population.

B) The populations in these countries are the highest.

C) China will continue his leading position as the country with highest population.

D) India’s population will surpass China’s in this year.


4. According to the listening, developed nations, such as Japan and France, are facing some problems of ____.

A) food shortage B) education insufficiency

C) aging population D) educational quality


5. What is NOT suggested in order to overcome the challenges faced by India?

A) The fundraising for nourishing Indian children

B) The improvement for gender equality

C) The access to clean water

D) The approach to health care


II. Cloze: Choose the best answer for filling-in the blanks

Economists say this is a chance for a so-called demographic dividend. India could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populations. But economists say current rates of growth, although high, may not create enough jobs.

6. A) demography B) demographic C) demographics D) demographer

7. A) gain B) lose C) learn D) be jeopardized

8. A) shrinking B) unstable C) peak D) growing

9. A) in B) at C) on D) within

10. A) although B) however C) and D) moreover


Answer key: C、B、B、C、A、B、A、D、B、A

Sorece: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/world/The-World-at-7-Billion-and-Growing-133039348.html

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