


Words and Their Stories: Clothing Expressions, Part One




自學包裹(Self-Study Package)中高級第60期上線了!!


本期也把文章中的學術字彙抓出來當成重點字彙練習。AWL字彙表由570word family(包含一個字的詞類變化與衍生字)組成。經過研究發現,這570個字群是橫跨各領域學術的高頻率單字,已經是目前國際高等教育的英語教學的重要參考資料。同學只要熟練AWL字彙表與其衍生字,就可以用最少的力氣,讀懂各領域的文章,吸收新知。

快來練習自學包裹吧 | 申請帳號和使用說明

MyET台大外語教學暨資源中心Speaking Proficiency Test競賽




競賽時間:10/11 - 12/5 <更正日期!!>

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100學年台大外語教學暨資源中心 大一英文課 MyET口說競賽 Oral Presentation for Freshman Students

競賽時間:10/13-11/18 <更正日期!!>


留學申請書信寫作 (100年11月03日至11月24日)






feature of the week


本期Feature of the Week要告訴大家一個好消息,你如果需要修習解剖學相關的課程,然而還在為專有名詞所苦的話,本期的內容你非看不可。這是一個學習身體各個器官部位英文學名非常好的網站,因為網站是由3D動畫呈現,因此若您的電腦是近5年買的,應該不成問題,此外,在執行動畫的過程中也需要安裝JAVA以及 UNITY元件,經由筆者的測試,建議使用IE 7以上的瀏覽器。

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Clarity English – Tense Buster

學文法難道只能背文法書嗎?話說大學加高中六年背的文法規則也不少了,要用的時候還是一踏糊塗,難怪最近寫作中心的短期文法造句課程一推出就快速爆滿啦。沒有報名到的同學不要灰心,我們大力推薦的Clarity English對付文法也有妙招。快來看小編這次介紹Tense Buster文法學習軟體,保證學文法又有趣又有效!快拋去文法書……迎向Tense Buster吧!

Vocabulary in English for Academic Purposes

When you find a word you do not know, it is important to decide how much it is necessary to know about the word. You may need some or all of the following. A good dictionary will help.




This revised and updated shorter version of Barron's full-size TOEFL iBT test preparation manual prepares you for the internet-based test. You'll find three model TOEFL iBTs, all with explanations or example answers. You also get an overview of the test format and a brief review of the academic skills you will need to master. They include note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing.


Words and Their Stories: Clothing Expressions, Part One


19 August 2011


Listen to the talk and answer the following questions.

1. He looks like having ______ in his pants. He must be nervous.

 A) cockroaches

 B) ants

 C) bugs

 D) worms

2. Susan ______ when she was chatting on the phone during work time. Her boss scolded her in front of her colleagues.

 A) flew by the seat of her pants

 B) burned a hold in her pocket

 C) was caught with her pants down

 D) sat beside her pants

3. Mandy is a veteran executive assistant with several years of working skills and professional knowledge ______.

 A) in her pockets

 B) under her belt

 C) inside her bag

 D) on her table

4. Bill called 911 at the ______ of a hat when he saw the car accident, without any hesitation.

 A) drop

 B) top

 C) bottom

 D) fall

5. One of my colleagues is ______ recently. He gives orders to his fellow workers as if he was the boss.

 A) filling his shoes

 B) wearing the boots

 C) betting his boots

 D) getting too big for his boots

6. My mom is a person who ______. She always shares her feelings and thoughts with us.

 A) is a stuffed shirt

 B) keeps her shirt on

 C) wears her heart on her sleeve

 D) always wears a shirt with sleeves

7. The candidate promised to ______ ______ his sleeves and put his words into action once he is selected as the new president.

 A) roll up

 B) pull up

 C) put on

 D) take on

8. Never put all your money on investment. Otherwise, you’ll ______.

 A) have a card up your sleeve

 B) bet your boots on that

 C) put money out of a hat

 D) lose your shirt


Ans: 1. B2. C3. B4. A5. D6. C7. A8. D

Source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/words-stories/Words-and-Their-Stories-Clothing-Expressions-Part-One-128099963.html

English Freeway


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