


Biology May Keep New Fathers Close to Home

Source: voanews

Testosterone is the main sex hormone responsible for the changes when a boy develops into a man.



自學包裹(Self-Study Package)中高級第58、59期上線了!!


"您一定聽過哈伯望遠鏡,但您知道哈伯望遠鏡之母是誰嗎?本期中高級自學包裹以172期的VOA新聞為本,帶您認識哈伯望遠鏡之母--南茜‧格雷‧斯羅曼(Nancy Grace Roman)。文中我們將看到1950年代女性在求學與求職時所面臨的困境,也如此見證了南茜成為偉大的天文學家時不屈不撓的精神,也是這樣的精神才促成了哈伯望遠鏡計畫。"


國片賽德克巴萊引起了一股原住民旋風,令國人對當年由頭目莫那魯道所領軍的原住民義勇軍抵抗日軍的事蹟感到敬佩。原住民意識的抬頭運動其實早在將近半世紀前的澳大利亞就已經開始,也曾舉行當時有名的1967年原住民權力公投(Australian Referendum 1967),現在就讓我們來看看當時澳洲國家廣播公司(Australian Brocasting Corporation, ABC)由Robert Moore 所主持的電視節目"In the  Shadow"中寶貴的歷史紀錄

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Biology May Keep New Fathers Close to Home

Testosterone is the main sex hormone responsible for the changes when a boy develops into a man.



Listen to the vedio and do the exercises below

I. Multiple choice

1. Which of the following regarding the function of testosterone is wrong?

A) Testosterone is a hormone found only on men.

B) Testosterone is found when a little boy is growing into a man.

C) Testosterone makes men have more muscles than women.

D) Women also have a little amount of testosterone in their body.


2. If a man turns into a father, what can be seen physically?

A) His voice becomes softer.

B) He has higher risk for testicular cancer.

C) The testosterone level decreases.

D) He is likely to gain more wrights.


3. What is NOT one of the bad sides of having higher level of testosterone?

A) Having higher risk of getting cancers

B) Being more vulnerable to some diseases

C) Being less active in child care

D) Taking more time to learn child care


II. Choose the best words to fill in the blanks

A few months ago, government researchers released the latest American Time Use Survey. It included the average time per day that Americans spent __(4)__child care__(5)__two thousand six and two thousand ten.

Among adults living with children under age six, women spent one hour and six minutes a day providing physical care. This is care like __(6)__ or feeding a child. Men spent twenty-six minutes.

__(7)__ a new study suggests that men are biologically designed to care for their children. It confirmed that testosterone levels drop after men become fathers.

Testosterone is the main sex hormone responsible for the changes when a boy develops__(8)__ a man. Women also produce testosterone but in much lower amounts.


4. A) providing B) provide C) provided D) provides

5. A) among B) between C) from D) back

6. A) washing B) showering C) bathing D) batheing

7. A) Also B) Additionally C) At last D) Yet

8. A) in B) into C) from D) to



Source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/Biology-May-Keep-New-Fathers-Close-to-Home-130277423.html

English Freeway


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