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Words and Their Stories: Fish Expressions


Fishes Mada (photo from Wikimedia Commons)


MyET 英語口說團體競賽 (MyET English Recitation Group Competition)

視聽教育館將舉行「MyET 英語口說團體競賽」,以鼓勵台大修習大一英文課程的班級學生,藉由「MyET-My English Tutor」學習軟體,增進英語口說能力,已準備有最新「朗文當代英英辭典」「英語寫作活用辭典」, 及「Longman Exam Dictionary(三擇一)或小說作為成績表現優異的獎品。請鼓勵班上同學參加99學年度的競賽。競賽時間如下:

MyET Competition II: 2011/03/21~2011/05/01 (6 weeks)

MyET Competition III: 2011/05/09 ~2011/06/12 (5 weeks)

比賽資訊: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuavc/myet_contest_result/myet_contest_99.htm

為了將更多得獎機會留給其他同學,故99-1 得獎的同學,原則上可以參加,但是若是成績在前20名,則無法領許獎狀及獎品,將由之後的組別遞補。

E-freeway Orientation






99學年度第二學期視聽教育館寫作工作室開放諮詢日期為:100年3月1日起至6月17日止, 諮詢週數共16週,每週一至週五各開放五個時段提供本校教職員生諮詢英語寫作或英語學習相關問題, 歡迎多加利用。視聽教育館寫作工作坊網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~avwrite/consultation/consultation.htm



feature of the week


本期Feature of the Week特別要介紹一個實用的英語網站,此網站特別針對還在為自己要取甚麼英文名字煩惱,或者是想學一些生活的英語基礎會話的同學設計,現在就讓本期feature of the week 帶你看看這個簡單但是挺實用的網站!

來看介紹 | 直接進入網站

Members Only資源介紹


CNN新聞是相當好的英語學習資源,但是在看新聞時常常會覺得鴨子聽雷,或是說話速度太快,讓人措手不及。現在藉由LiveABC的練習題與英文腳本的幫助,讓你反覆聆聽英語新聞,不知不覺中輕鬆地聽懂英語新聞。...... 來看看該如何使用吧!

English Freeway--Vocabulary Tips

來看看English Freeway上有哪些與建立字彙有關的網路資源吧,例如如何建立自己的字彙網、如何選擇與使用字典...等,English Freeway上整理了一些與字彙有關的網站,字彙是學習語言的根基,擁有足夠的字彙可以讓溝通更加順暢、讓意念的傳達更為精確,並藉此增進聽力、口說、閱讀與寫作能力。現在就來了解吧!




英文報紙為很好的英文學習工具,透過閱讀英文報紙可增加字彙量,也可擴展自己的世界觀。外語教學中心所訂閱的英文報紙有三種--Chia Post, The New York Times, Taiwan News,當月過期報紙會放在302資料室,有需要的同學可洽資料室詢問和拿取!!


Words and Their Stories: Fish Expressions

音檔連結: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/words-stories/Words-and-Their-Stories-Fish-Expressions-119532664.html#

Listen to the talk first and answer the following questions with the knowledge of expressions you obtained from the content.

1.  If we say someone is fishy, it means that this person is

A) bold B) nosey C) suspicious D) diligent

2.  I always feel like ______ when I make presentations at international conferences. Not just because I tend to get nervous to speak in public, but also because I feel less confident to speak in English.

A) a fish out of water B) holy mackerel 

C) teaching a fish how to swim D) a fish living in a bowl

3. A: Oh, look how fat I look in this dress!
B: Come on. Don’t be silly. You know you’re not fat at all!
A: But I think light color makes me look chubby.
B: Nonsense! You’re absolutely stunning and charming. And, by the way, please stop ______. I know all you want is someone saying something nice to you.

A) fishing or cutting bait B) saying holy mackerel 

C) fishing for compliments D) teaching a fish how to swim

4. It’s time for you to ______. Either you join us and finish the project, or we will move on without you.

A) be a fine kettle of fish B) look green around the gills

C) be packed in like sardines D) fish or cut bait

5. Larry drank like a _____ at the party last night. It seemed like he almost drank to the last bottle of wine! He must be having a serious hangover right now!

A) sardine B) mackerel        

C) fish D) herring

6.  I don’t see any future between you guys. Maybe it’s time to end this relationship. _____. You’ll soon find someone who suits you better.

A) There are plenty of other fish in the sea. B) It is like a fishing expedition.

C) Just follow the red herring. D) It’s like living in a fish bowl.

7.  I’m having a _____ here. Jane didn’t show up at the place we agreed to meet. And I forgot to carry my cell phone. And the movie is about to start!

A) fishing expedition B) fine kettle of fish   

C) a cold fish D) fish in a barrel


Ans: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B

source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/words-stories/Words-and-Their-Stories-Fish-Expressions-119532664.html

English Freeway

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