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The Death of Osama bin Laden


Picture retrieved from wikimedia common

The world's most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden, is dead at the age of 54.  U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the world's most wanted terrorist was killed by U.S. forces on Sunday at a compound deep inside Pakistan.





徵稿與比賽日期:2011/5/25中午十二時截止收件,2011/6/ 1後公佈徵稿結果。







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MyET 英語口說團體競賽 (MyET English Recitation Group Competition)

視聽教育館將舉行「MyET 英語口說團體競賽」,以鼓勵台大修習大一英文課程的班級學生,藉由「MyET-My English Tutor」學習軟體,增進英語口說能力,已準備有最新「朗文當代英英辭典」「英語寫作活用辭典」, 及「Longman Exam Dictionary(三擇一)或小說作為成績表現優異的獎品。請鼓勵班上同學參加99學年度的競賽。競賽時間如下:

MyET Competition II: 2011/03/21~2011/05/01 (6 weeks)

MyET Competition III: 2011/05/09 ~2011/06/12 (5 weeks)

比賽資訊: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~ntuavc/myet_contest_result/myet_contest_99.htm

為了將更多得獎機會留給其他同學,故99-1 得獎的同學,原則上可以參加,但是若是成績在前20名,則無法領許獎狀及獎品,將由之後的組別遞補。

E-freeway Orientation






99學年度第二學期視聽教育館寫作工作室開放諮詢日期為:100年3月1日起至6月17日止, 諮詢週數共16週,每週一至週五各開放五個時段提供本校教職員生諮詢英語寫作或英語學習相關問題, 歡迎多加利用。視聽教育館寫作工作坊網址:http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~avwrite/consultation/consultation.htm



feature of the week

7 tips for helping learners minimize anxiety in speaking

上台報告會焦慮嘛?如果是要用英文報告,會緊張的不知所措嗎?除了想像台下坐的都是西瓜跟石頭(台灣的說法),或是光溜溜沒穿衣服(英文的說法)以外,還有別的方法嗎可以化解焦慮嗎?本文要告訴英語教師如何幫助學生轉化上台作英文報告的焦慮。透過七個簡單的技巧跟方法,把使人退縮的負面焦慮(debilitative anxiety)轉化成正面助力(facilitative)。七個實用的秘訣,不管你是要中英文報告,都適用喔!

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English Freeway裡針對全民英檢的資源可說是相當豐富,這次介紹的是LiveABC裡的全民英檢中高級初試,也就是閱讀與聽力。擔心正式考試考不好嗎?或是全民英檢的書買一堆卻都沒看?沒關係,這裡提供了10回模擬試題,而且還是免費的喔!不管你是打算考前臨時抱佛腳,還是自我測試英文能力,都來試試看吧!http://efreeway.avcenter.ntu.edu.tw/freeway/MemberMenu_join.htm

An underground house in Coober Pedy, South Australia






The Death of Osama bin Laden賓拉登之死

The world's most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden, is dead at the age of 54.  U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the world's most wanted terrorist was killed by U.S. forces on Sunday at a compound deep inside Pakistan.



Listening skills:

1.Which of the following descriptions about Osama bin Laden’s family background is TRUE?

A) He was born in a poor family of 50 siblings, and he was the eldest one.

B) Osama bin Laden was from the upper level of society in which he received tertiary education and wealthy life.

C) Osama bin Laden voluntarily enrolled in the military when US invaded Afghanistan in 1979.

D)Bin Laden once welcomed US troop to deploy in his country.


2.Why did Sudanese government expel Osama bin Laden  

A) Sudanese government was pressured to expel bin Laden.

B) Bin Laden masterminded several terrorist attacks in Sudan.

C) Many Sudanese were recruited as bin Laden’s fighters, which was worried by the government.

D) Osama bin Laden was allegedly responsible for blowing Sudanese embassy in the US.


3.After returning Afghanistan from Sudan, bin Laden became the ____ for Taliban regime.

A) leader          B) fighter        C) strategist           D) fund provider


4.According to the listening, Osama bin Laden was considered the icon of resisting US regardless his____.

A) family background                                           

B) notorious reputation in the US

C) extreme thoughts and behaviors

D) cowardice and shamelessness.


5.What can be best inferred from the last sentence of the listening?

A) Taliban regime might take revenge due to the death of Osama bin Laden.

B) It is possible that the terrorists would take over bin Laden’s position as the new leader.

C) It is foreseeable that US will have more wars against international terrorism.

D) All of the above.  



Answers: BADCD

English Freeway

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