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Tony Blair’s global battle of ideas

Marcus Eriksen is on a global expedition to document and publicize the growing accumulation of plastic trash in our oceans, and to study its effects on marine and human life

photo from: BBC news

Tony Blair's faith foundation works with universities in countries including the US, China, the UK, Canada and Sierra Leone. He also lectures at Yale. Mr Blair gave his views on university globalisation to the BBC News website.




99學年度第二學期視聽教育館寫作工作室開放諮詢日期為:100年3月1日起至6月17日止, 諮詢週數共16週,每週一至週五各開放五個時段提供本校教職員生諮詢英語寫作或英語學習相關問題, 歡迎多加利用。


中級Self-study package 51, 52期上線囉!


其中包括了一篇有關一條微博信息能否成為一個經典的浪漫之舉,看英國女星伊莉莎白赫莉(Elizabeth Hurley)與澳洲板球明星夏恩沃恩(Shane Warne)在網上調情;看歐普拉和披頭四成員之一 Paul,領取終生成就獎;還有一位愛爾蘭搖滾之星盡其所能的協助非洲人民;就讓自學包裹成為您最放鬆的英語學習環境!


兔年能帶給你才運和幸福嗎? 葛萊美獎最新報導;以及美國名人的小道消息;更多的詳細有趣的內容,請看本期自學包裹的介紹!



2011年3月的Advanced English已經上線了,快來看看有什麼精彩內容吧。2010年1月之後的內容,使用Author Plus系統,尚未有帳號的同學,先在E-freeway會員專區申請帳號喔(帳號同自學包裹,如已有自學包裹帳號的同學則不需再申請)。




feature of the week

Professor Garfield  : Reading Ring

喜歡Garfield (加菲貓)嗎?那隻在漫畫裡懶洋洋,大部分的時間都花在睡覺、看電視與吃東西的貓咪在這裡搖身一變,化身為Professor Garfield來帶領你學習啦!在這裡僅介紹「The Reading Ring」,其他還有很多有趣的「遊樂設施」就等你慢慢去發掘囉!

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Clarity English: Road to IELTS

想留英、留澳的同學趕快看過來喔,看看我們這一次敎大家怎麼迎向"雅思"康莊大道。雖然某些英國和澳洲的學校也已經開始接受TOEFL考試的成績,不過大多數要去前往這兩個國家唸書的學生還是以準備參加IELTS為主,原因是什麼呢,小編也不太清楚,或許是想要及早適應英式英語吧???Anyway,Road to IELTS真的有好多課程讓同學練習IELTS的題型,而且課程內容就像真實考試內容一樣保羅萬象,還常常會有帶英式文化背景的題目喔...... On My Way to IELTS!

An underground house in Coober Pedy, South Australia

BBC Radio

內容無比豐富的 BBC 廣播頻道,每一台都有它的特色,無論你想聽什麼樣的內容,這裡頭都找得到唷!http://efreeway.avcenter.ntu.edu.tw/freeway/listening/listening_ob.htm



本期介紹視聽教育館和圖書館皆有購買的「科學人知識庫」。科學人雜誌(Scientific American)於紐約創辦,創刊158年來,擁有九種語文版本,是全球科普雜誌第一品牌,科學人雜誌知識庫,乃是將現期和過期雜誌集合起來,以電子資料庫方式典藏,除了方便連結閱覽之外,電子形式的知識庫還有更多方便的功能。看雜誌增廣見聞、又提升英文能力,若善加利用,則這是一個對學習英文相當有幫助的工具唷!


Tony Blair’s global battle of ideas

By Sean Coughlan

Retrieved from BBC News at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12597817

Tony Blair's faith foundation works with universities in countries including the US, China, the UK, Canada and Sierra Leone. He also lectures at Yale. Mr Blair gave his views on university globalisation to the BBC News website.

本期英語宅急便要來談談高等教育與全球化的交互現象,提到致力於教育、全球化衝擊、以及宗教多元化等議題就不得不提前英國首相布萊爾(Tony Blair)。布萊爾先生於2007年辭去所有的英國政務職,將大部份的時間放在他一手創立的布萊爾信仰基金會 (Tony Blair Faith Foundation),致力於關懷與幫助信仰衝突的化解、教育資源分配、以及國與國之間的和平相處。布萊爾信仰基金會與來自美國、中國、英國、加拿大、與獅子山共和國的大學進行教育合作,布萊爾先生也任教於美國耶魯大學(Yale),本篇BBC的報導中布萊爾先生將針對大學全球化提出他個人的觀點。


【Part I】

Coughlan: How do you see the impact of globalisation on the international university system?

Blair: "I see globalisation's impact on the international university system in four ways.
"The first is that universities are increasingly eager to connect with others around the world on sustained and continuous projects and partnerships.

"Although conferences and joint-research programmes have existed for some time, we are now seeing a desire on the part of universities to enter into long-term partnerships with other universities.

"I was just visiting one of the lead universities in our Faith and Globalisation Initiative, Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, which has joint-degree programmes with schools such as Carnegie-Mellon in the US, the Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands, and Reutlingen University in Germany.

"Two of our lead universities, Yale and the National University of Singapore, have recently announced plans to establish a jointly-run school in Singapore that will open in the autumn of 2013.

"The second is that universities are increasingly aware of the multitude of global perspectives that exist on every academic issue.

"Given the increasing amount of connectivity between universities, along with the ease of accessing information, no longer can any university or faculty ignores the wealth of approaches to today's most pressing academic questions.

"So you'll find scholars from Europe and the United States, two areas that have traditionally been disdainful of research and theory produced elsewhere, increasingly taking into account the work of academics from South America and Asia.

"What this means for students is that they are no longer exclusively exposed to scholarship produced from people whose lives and biases mirrored their own, but are now forced to consider new perspectives that might challenge what they'd been previously taught.

"Thirdly, globalisation has made university campuses more diverse than ever before.

"I've taught a class called Faith and Globalisation at Yale for the past three years and every year the class included students from all walks of life and from all around the world.

"If you look at photographs from Yale's graduating classes 50 years ago, everyone looks the same. And that's because, by and large, they were all from the same towns, went to the same prep-schools, and were going to work at the same companies.

"When I gave a speech at Yale in 2008, the student body looked more like delegates from the United Nations. This also means that universities are now engaged in a global competition for students, and no one can rest simply on their reputation.

"Finally, the technological advances of globalisation mean that more and more people are given access to higher education than ever before.

"Although internet learning might not be a perfect substitute for the classroom experience, the simple fact is that there are millions of people who have been excluded from the university experience due to geographical isolation and/or financial restraints.

"One of the Faith Foundation's partner universities, Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, has an amazing virtual university through which they have connected 13 campuses across the country as well as individuals in remote areas to give them the opportunity to get a university education."


Multiple choice:

1. What do universities do to look for longer partnerships with other universities around the world?
A) Inviting more scholars to have speeches on their campuses.
B) Carrying out multidisciplinary research projects.
C) Raising more international academic conferences.
D) Devoting more resources on other endeavors besides conferences and research projects. 

2. Which of the following statements best describes the second way said by Mr. Tony Blair?
A) The scholars in universities in the English speaking countries always look down on scholars from Asia and South America.
B) Information booming has flattened the world, which brings more different perspectives from the scholars all over the world.
C) One will feel being excluded and biased when trying to work in the academia.
D) All the perspectives students are receiving are produced by the scholars whose prejudices and subjectivity can be found in the classroom.

3. What can be inferred by the third way mentioned by Mr. Tony Blair?
A) More endowments can be found by schools.
B) Educational ladder has been available to all the people in the society.
C) Colored students are still under suppression by some renowned universities.
D) Globalization brings more students to the famous universities, which jeopardizes the sustainability of some local universities.

4. Which of the following can be the keyword for the fourth way aforementioned?
A) distance education                              B) Internet accessibility
C) exclusive education system                  D) renowned university


【Part II】

Coughlan: Will globalisation in universities be any  (5)  to the world's poor than economic globalisation?

Blair: "It certainly can be and I think it is currently leaning in that direction. As I mentioned earlier, the example of Tecnologico de Monterrey is encouraging.

"__(6)__ the use of the internet, they have been able to provide people in remote parts of Mexico with access to university courses through their Virtual University.

"Yale University has a site called Open Yale __(7)__ they give access to video and audio recordings of semester-long classes, along with reading assignments and transcripts of the lectures - all entirely free.

"So anyone who wants to take Introduction to Ancient Greek History with Professor Donald Kagan, or Financial Markets with Professor Robert Schiller, now can.

"In addition, one of the things that has become incredibly clear in working with the universities involved in the Faith and Globalisation Initiative is that the world's richest and most rigorous universities are deeply __(8)__ to capacity development within countries and institutions that have not been able to benefit from the same social or economic advantages.

"Recently Fourah Bay College at the University of Sierra Leone became the newest partner of our university programme. Fourah Bay is an amazing institution. In fact, my dad taught there in the 1960s.

"But as a result of the civil war and other problems Sierra Leone has faced, Fourah Bay has not benefited from the economic and institutional development like universities such as Yale or McGill.

"__(9)__ a matter of fact, Yale's endowment is nearly four times the size of Sierra Leone's GDP. And when I was at McGill to give a lecture to their Religion and Globalisation course, I had lunch with a selection of faculty members from around the university - all of whom were adamant that we bring more schools like Fourah Bay into the initiative.

"It wasn't enough for them that we reach students at the world's most acknowledged universities. They demanded that we reach out to institutions that had been less fortunate then themselves, to provide them __(10)__ teacher training, to give their students more opportunities to interact with other students around the world and to hopefully play a role in transforming the wider society.

"So if other universities have faculty members that are anything like those at McGill, I would say the future looks promising."


5. A) fair                       B) fairer                  C) fairness               D) fairly
6. A) Although               B) Even though        C) Through              D) Given
7. A) by which               B) in which              C) of which             D) on which
8. A) committed             B) concerned           C) involved              D) leaned
9. A) This is                  B) At                       C) As                       D) It is 
10. A) X                        B) with                    C) by                       D) of


Multiple choice: D、B、B、A
Cloze: B、C、D、A、C、B

English Freeway


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