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South Sudan Officials Prepare for Referendum Result


taken from Wikipedia

As vote tabulation proceeds in southern Sudan’s independence referendum, its leaders are preparing for the day when the final results are in. Officials say whether the region chooses to separate or remain part of Sudan they face vast challenges.



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The head of United Nations in southern Sudan, David Gressly, arrived in the region before the north and south signed the peace agreement that ended two decades of civil war and set up the autonomous regional government in Juba.

He says the southern Sudanese have been preparing for independence and its aftermath ever since.

"A lot of work was done over six years in a land that was very fractured, many armed groups operating in 2005 that have now been brought on board, very little infrastructure, no roads, no regional government. All of that was created from scratch (from nothing)," Gressly said.

But he and most people working here acknowledge much remains to be done.

Mou Ambrose Thiik works on governance for Germany’s Friederich Ebert Stiftung Foundation.

"The major priority is to get the governance right,” said Thiik. “It is very important because that would set up a good foundation for the democratic system that we would like to have."

Officials note that public administration is inefficient, particularly at local levels, due to a lack of experience and training. They say it will take time to institute transparency and good governance.

Deputy Program Director Sarah Johnson works for the Carter Center, which has been working for years in southern Sudan.

"There are many priorities: The basics of making sure that it’s a stable, peaceful state and focusing on the basic building blocks of education and health services and expanding the basic government services out into the regions," Johnson said.

Another priority is money to build infrastructure, such as roads, and agriculture to boost business and jobs.

More than 150,000 southern Sudanese have returned home from the north in the past 10 weeks. Many have been gone for generations.

World Food Program Spokesman Peter Smerdon says they need food assistance as they journey home as well as support for months after they arrive.

"Hopefully they have relatives there. They know people,” said Smerdon. “And that will help them settle down, find perhaps where their family exactly came from and start to build a new life or at least try and resume the life they left."

He says returnees are to receive help when they plant before the rains begin in March. The World Food Program has stocks to feed up to one-half-million people for six months if necessary.

A major headache is what to do with soldiers who have spent most of their lives fighting. Under the peace agreement, the north and the south agreed to demobilize 90,000 soldiers on each side.

The head of Southern Sudan’s Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission, William Deng Deng, says only 12,000 have been disarmed so far, and it is proving to be a difficult task.

"It is not just turning in arms and that is it,” Deng said. “Because the soldiers you do not just get their weapons from them and you throw them out. Otherwise they can become a community security problem because the only thing they know is how to use their arms."

He says most soldiers are uneducated and must be taught skills in order to survive as civilians.

The south Sudanese government also must address a lack of security, particularly in the areas along the northern border where clashes continue between security forces and rebel militias.

Finally, U.N. chief Gressly says the authorities eventually will have to address the rising expectations of a people who have suffered for many years.

"The government will have to be very honest about what they (it) can and cannot do,” Gressly added. “They will have to also demonstrate visibly that they are dealing with internal issues of mismanagement, corruption, etc. They need to be able to show that they are tackling those problems so that people believe that if they are not getting something today in terms of services that they will in the near future."

Civic activist Ambrose Thiik says despite the obstacles he sees reasons for optimism.

"I know we are starting from zero,” Thiik said. “But I think southern Sudan will be able to catch up because we have natural resources in abundance, which if they are properly managed we can bridge the gap. We have very enthusiastic and committed leadership and population."

Many are hoping that southern Sudanese who have been living abroad will return, bringing skills and investment capital to boost jobs and the economy.

Language Notes

referendum (n) 全民投票;全民公決;公投

autonomous (a) 自治的;有自治權的

aftermath (n) 後果,後續發展

非洲的蘇丹Sudan近日舉行了公投 (referendum),將決定南蘇丹是要獨立還是維持Sudan的一部份 (to separate or remain part of Sudan)。聯合國駐南蘇丹官員 David Gressly 表示,在簽署停止內戰的和平協定(peace agreement)與建立南蘇丹自治區域政府 (autonomous regional government)之後,南蘇丹就開始為獨立與後續發展 (aftermath) 做準備了。

fracture (v) 分裂; 斷裂

infrastructure (n) (國家或機構的)基礎設施,基礎建設

from scratch (idiom): 從頭開始;從零開始

David Gressly 表示在過去的六年內,南蘇丹在破碎的 (fractured) 領土上做了很多努力。不足的基礎建設 (infrastructure),沒有道路,也沒有區域政府組織,一切都是從零開始的 (created from scratch)。至今,仍然還有許多必須做的事 (much remains to be done)。

inefficient (a) 效率低的;能力差的;浪費的

institute (v) 建立,制定(體系、政策等);開始;實行

priority (n) 優先事項;最重要的事;首要事情

Mou Ambrose Thiik認為南蘇丹最優先的事項 (major priority) 是做好政府的管理建設 (to get the governance right),這會是支持民主制度運行的基礎 (foundation for the democratic system)。官員也表示,因為缺乏經驗與訓練,地方層級的公共行政仍是相當沒有效率的 (inefficient),要達到透明化 (transparency) 與理想的管理體系還需要一段時間。Sarah Johnson認為還有許多要優先處理的事項,必須建構好教育與衛生服務體系 (education and health services),也要把基本的政府行政體系拓展到區域去。

resume (v) 重新開始;(中斷後)繼續

stock (n) 庫存;貯備物;備用物

demobilize (v) (尤指戰後)使退伍,使復員

disarm (v) 繳(某人)的械;解除(某人)的武裝

civilian (n) 平民;老百姓

militia (n) 民兵組織;國民衞隊

過去數周期間,南蘇丹湧進大批返鄉人潮 (returnees),再重新融入 (resume) 舊時的生活,或從事農耕之前,世界糧食計劃署 (World Food Program) 表示有足夠的存糧 (stocks)可以在必要時解決可能的糧食短缺問題。南蘇丹所面對的一個頭痛的問題是處理大批卸甲的士兵,因為在和平協定之下,兩邊都同意要解除九萬名士兵招集令 (demobilize),目前已退伍繳械 (disarmed)的士兵只有一萬兩千名。最大的困難是要如何讓這些士兵重新回歸社會,過平民生活 (to survive as civilians)。另外,社會秩序也要持續努力,尤其是在與北蘇丹的邊境區域,維安部隊與民兵 (rebel militias) 之間仍有不斷的衝突事件(clashes)。

tackle (v) 應付,處理,解決

natural resources (phrase) 天然資源

capital (n) 資本;資金

聯合國官員Gressly表示,長久處於苦難的人民對未來有日易增長的滿懷期待 (rising expectations),政府必須要清楚的讓人民知道眼前內部的各種困境,也必須表現出克服與解決困境的努力 (tackling those problems),讓人民把短期之內無法滿足的期望放在未來。Ambrose Thiik則認為,即使南蘇丹未來面對種種困境 (obstacles),他仍持有樂觀的理由 (reasons for optimism)。他認為南蘇丹有豐富的天然資源 (natural resources in abundance)可供利用,也有充滿熱情與堅定的領導與人民。也有許多人期待旅居國外的蘇丹人會返鄉,帶回技能與資金 (investment capital),活絡就業市場與經濟發展。


Let's Give it a Try!

Fill in the blanks with one of the vocabulary words from the list. After you finish, select the area between the arrows to get the hidden answers.

1. The war has badly damaged the country's __________.

2. Is it more democratic to hold __________, rather than let the government alone decide?

3. Please __________ your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes.

4. It is now halfway through winter and food __________ are already low.

5. The bomb killed four soldiers and three __________.

6. Existing methods of production are expensive and __________.

- - > 1. infrastructure 2. referendum 3. resume 4. stocks 5. civilians 6. inefficient < - -


Source: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/South-Sudan-Officials-Prepare-for-Referendum-Result-113876769.html


English Freeway


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