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Museum of Chinese in America Shows a Little-Known History


Photos were retrieved from: www.wikipedia.com

紐約中國城歷史計畫(New York Chinatown History Project)於1980年成立,旨在蒐集文件、照片或其它可以說明歷史的史料。這就是美國華人博物館(the Museum of Chinese in America)的開始,該館找到了一個更大的地點,去年秋天起坐落在曼哈頓市區的中國城重新對外開放。



99學年(上):大一英文口說團體競賽 第一梯次 熱烈開賽!

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競賽時間:MyET Competition I -2010/10/18~2010/11/28 (6 weeks)    



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Museum of Chinese in America Shows a Little-Known History


There are many outstanding Chinese Americans wherever in the field of sport, politics, or science in the United States. While we are proud of their achievements, it is time for us to rewind a little bit, remind us all the endurances they had gone through and appreciate their hard works. Like other non-white ethnic groups from outside northern Europe and the British Isles, Chinese immigrants to America faced prejudice and exclusion for many years.  In 1980, the New York Chinatown History Project was founded to collect documents, photographs and other materials telling their story. That was the beginning of the Museum of Chinese in America, which re-opened last fall at a larger site in Chinatown in downtown Manhattan.

無論在美國的運動、政治、或科學界,許多優秀的華人正大放異彩,在我們感到於有榮焉的同時,也需要將時光倒轉,感念先人們在美國的所經歷的一切。像其它來自於北歐與不列顛群島以外的非白種的族群一樣,美國的華裔移民多年來面對許多偏見與排擠,紐約中國城歷史計畫(New York Chinatown History Project)於1980年成立,旨在蒐集文件、照片或其它可以說明歷史的史料。這就是美國華人博物館(the Museum of Chinese in America)的開始,該館找到了一個更大的地點,去年秋天起坐落在曼哈頓市區的中國城重新對外開放。

Photos were retrieved from: www.wikipedia.com

A. Vocabulary

1. atrium: a very large room, often with glass walls or roof, especially in the middle of a large shop or office building

2. apothecary:a person who in the past made and sold medicines

3. handful: small amount of something

4. flood: large amount of something

5. Promontory Point: A place in Utah where the first transcontinental railroad in the world was connected.

6. mine: to dig a large hole in the ground in order to remove coal, gold etc.

7. genesis: the beginning or the original of something

8. miscegenation: when people of different races have a sexual relationship or have children together.

9. ghetto: a part of a city where people of a particular race or class, especially people who are poor, live separately from the rest of the people in the city.

10. sneaky: doing things in a secret and often dishonest or unfair way.

11. segregation: when people of different races, sexes or religions are kept apart so that they live, work, or study separately.


B. Multiple choice

1. In 1840s, why did so many Chinese flood into the United States?

A) For building railroads     B) For making business with Americans

C) For selling gold              D) For doing mining jobs


2. When did Chinese move to the United States in the first place?

A) In 1840s                      B) In 1700s

C) In 1882                       D) In 1949


3. When did Chinese start doing mining jobs?

A) In 1840s                      B) Before 1840s

C) After 1840s                 D) In 1840


4. Where did the European and Irish workers start to do the railroad?

A) From the West Coast     B) From the East Coast

C) From Utah                    D) From Promontory Point


5. Which of the followings was referred to the so called “Gold Mountain” by the Chinese gold miners?

A) California                     B) Los Angeles

C) San Francisco             D) Alaska


C. Listening practice: Transcribing

Listen to the clip, and fill in the blanks:

But once the Gold Rush was over and the railway __(6)__, the laborers were no longer welcome.  A new labor movement, backed by __(7)__ political groups, rallied - and sometimes __(8)__ - against the immigrants who were seen as taking American jobs.  The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the only U.S. law ever to block immigration and __(9)__ on the basis of national __(10)__.


News source: Voice of America

Link: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Museum-of-Chinese-in-Americas-Shows-a-Little-Known-History-106736769.html


D. Answers

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. built

7. racist

8. rioted

9. naturalization

10. origin


English Freeway


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