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US Investigates Nuclear Missile Incident


Genie Nuclear Unguieded Missile (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

The U.S. military is looking into an incident on Saturday in which it lost communications with 50 long-range nuclear-armed missiles based in the northern United States.




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US Investigates Nuclear Missile Incident


The U.S. military is looking into an incident on Saturday in which it lost communications with 50 long-range nuclear-armed missiles based in the northern United States.


Al Pessin / Washington

27 October 2010


Click on the link to listen to the news report and answer the following questions.

音檔連結: http://www.voanews.com/MediaAssets2/english/2010_10/Pessin_Pentagon_USNUKE_INCIDENT_27oct2010-st.mp3


I. Fill in the blanks according to the content you hear.

1.The U.S. Air Force immediately d__________hed troops to i__________t the sites after it lost communications with the missiles for about 45 minutes.

2.The check determined there was no damage and no evidence of s__________e.

3.A spokesman for the c__________d says investigators believe a f__________y circuit board at a control center was to b__________e. 

4.They are still looking into the exact c__________e and the c__________es."

5.The mission is to l__________h the missiles at overseas targets in response to a presidential order, which would normally only be done in r__________n for a nuclear attack on the United States.  

6.Under an agreement with Russia, both countries' nuclear-armed missiles are targeted at r__________e locations in the oceans to help avoid an accidental attack on p__________ed areas.


II. Choose the best answer to each question according to the content you hear.

1.What was the first action taken to deal with the nuclear missile incident?

A)inform the government

B)contact the general

C)consult the secretary of defense

D)sent an investigation team


2.What was the possible cause of this incident?

A)the air force’s lack of caution

B)the invasion of the adversary

C)the malfunction of the computer system

D)the wrong intelligence from the local military force


3.Under what condition can a missile be launched?

A)when the U.S. has been attacked by nuclear weapons

B)when a domestic war has occurred

C)when other countries require for military support

D)when the President of the United States has been assassinated


4.What do we know from the agreement between U.S. and Russia?

A)They both intend to avoid using nuclear attack on general population.

B)They both possess more than 10 nuclear-armed missiles.

C)They signed the agreement about a decade ago.

D)All of the above.


5.What is correct about the dismissing of the two Air Force officials?

A)They were sacked because of not reporting the case quickly enough.

B)The reasons of the lay-off were both related to nuclear weapons incidents.

C)Both cases happened in Asia.

D)The Air Force officials were both responsible for the current nuclear missile incident.




1. dispatched; inspect

2. sabotage

3. command; faulty; blame

4. cause; circumstances

5. launch; retaliation

6. remote; populated


1. D    2. C    3. A    4. A    5. B

全文連結: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/US-Investigates-Nuclear-Missile-Incident-105900568.html

English Freeway


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