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Indian Kashmir Under Strict Curfew


Indian paramilitary soldiers patrol the curfew-bound streets of Srinagar, Indian Kashmir, 14 Sept. 2010

Political Map: the Kashmir region districts, showing the Pir Panjal range and the Valley of Kashmir (taken from Wikipedia)


Authorities imposed a strict curfew across Indian Kashmir a day after 18 people were killed in clashes with security forces.






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Kirk Mahoney.com

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Clarity English: Study Skills Success – Writing 

本次介紹在Clarity English系統裡的Study Skills Success之閱讀單元,介紹如何有效率的來寫一篇論說文,以及一些注意事項,並且利用PQRS的分析技巧來避免寫論文常犯的錯誤,另外提供實際的解說來教導如何撰寫論說文。此套教材附上了不同寫作技巧的範例,相信各位一定能夠吸收其精華,一起變成寫作達人!!!

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Postgraduates: EASE - Listening to Lecture

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English Grammar in Use (CD-ROM)

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Authorities imposed a strict curfew across Indian Kashmir a day after 18 people were killed in clashes with security forces. The government, which is searching for a way to calm down the protests that have gripped the region, says it will consult all political parties on the growing tensions in Kashmir.

Thousands of heavily-armed security personnel patrolled towns across Indian Kashmir and made periodic announcements asking people to stay indoors.

Several people were injured when small groups defied the orders.

The police are trying to stem the huge anti-India protests that have gripped the Muslim-majority, Himalayan valley.

The clashes between the protesters and police on Monday resulted in the highest death toll on a single day since the mass protests erupted. Reports that a Quran had been desecrated in the United States had also fueled Monday's protests.

The deteriorating security situation has prompted authorities to suspend all flights to and from the capital Srinagar.

In New Delhi, Defense Minister A.K. Antony said the government is pained by the violence in Kashmir.

"As you all know [the] situation in Kashmir is very serious. We have to handle it carefully," Antony said.

He says the government will consult all major political parties on Wednesday to take them into confidence about measures under consideration to calm the protests.

The state government in Kashmir has been urging the central government to withdraw a tough security law imposed 20 years ago to battle an armed separatist insurgency led by Islamic militants. The law gives armed forces sweeping powers to shoot, arrest and detain people, and protects them from prosecution. Kashmiris and human rights groups allege that it is widely misused.

But the armed forces oppose its withdrawal in the insurgency-wracked region. Air force chief P.V. Naik reiterated that opposition.

"A soldier while involved in performing his duties deserves all the legal protection that he can get," said Naik. "I am sure the government is sensitized to this particular problem."

At least 88 civilians have died in Kashmir since the protests by stone-throwing crowds erupted in June. Most of them have been killed in police firing, further aggravating anger and alienation in a region where demands for freedom from Indian rule are growing.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan.

Whereas the armed separatist insurgency in the 1990's was led by Muslim rebels, the present protests are being spearheaded by young Kashmiris.

Language Notes

authority (n) 當權者; 政府機構 *常用複數表示

curfew (n) 宵禁令;宵禁時間 * to impose a curfew on sth/sb 對. . .實施宵禁

force (n) 武裝部隊;部隊 * security forces 保安部隊

consult (v) 商議;商量 * consult (with) sb about/on sth 與某人商議關於某事的決策

tension (n) 緊張局勢(或關係、狀況)

periodic (a) 定期的;週期的

有18人在與保安部隊 (security forces) 發生衝突 (clashes)之中喪生。印度當局 (authorities) 因此對喀什米爾實施更嚴格的宵禁 (a strict curfew)。政府當局決定與所有黨派討論喀什米爾地區日益增長的緊張情勢 (the growing tensions)。實施宵禁 (curfew) 之後,著重武裝的保安人員 (heavy-armed security personnel) 定期發佈訊息要當地人民不要出門 (made periodic announcements asking people to stay indoors)。

defy (v) 違抗;反抗;蔑視

stem (v) 阻止;封堵;遏止

death toll (n) (事故、戰爭、災難等的) 死亡人數

desecrate (v) 把(神物)供俗用;褻瀆

deteriorating (a) 惡化的; 退化的

警力為遏止當地穆斯林反印度政府的抗議活動,與抗議民眾之間有不斷的零星衝突發生。在爆發群眾抗議衝突以來,這是單日死亡人數最多的一天 (the highest death toll on a single day)。傳聞有可蘭經(Quran)在美國遭到褻瀆 (desecrated),更是在穆斯林禮拜一的抗議火上加油 ( . . .had also fueled Monday’s protests)。日前美國一名牧師日前宣稱要在911當日燒可蘭經,此言一出引起軒然大波,深入報導可看VOA這則新聞。 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/The-Tweet-That-Shook-The-World-102777604.html

take sb into confidence 充分信任某人

militant (a) 動武的;好戰的;有戰鬥性的*在新聞做名詞用

insurgency (n) 起義;叛亂

detain (v) 拘留;扣押;禁閉

prosecution (n) (被)起訴,檢舉;訴訟

reiterate (v)重申

喀什米爾地方政府希望中央政府可以取消在二十年前所頒布的嚴格法令。當時政府為了對抗當地伊斯蘭激進份子 (Islamic militants) 所領導的分裂活動 (separatist insurgency) ,透過這個法令,給與了當地武裝部隊極大的權力,在射擊、逮捕、拘留人民時 ,是免於刑責的 (sweeping powers to shoot, arrest and detain people)。印度空軍總司令 (air force chief)則重申他反對取消這個法令的立場 (. . . reiterated that opposition),他認為士兵在執行任務時,應該擁有法律的保護 (legal protection)。

civilian (n) 平民百姓

aggravating (a) 加重的;增劇的;惡化的

alienation (n) 疏遠;離間

spearhead (v) 做…的先鋒;帶頭做

從六月中爆發民眾在抗議中開始投擲石塊至今,已經有88民平民 (civilian) 死於警察的火力之下(killed in police firing),這加重了喀什米爾當地對政府的憤怒與疏離感 ( . . . further aggravating anger and alienation)。新聞末提到,在1990年間的武裝分離活動是由穆斯林所領導,而今日的抗議活動則是由年輕的喀什米爾人所帶頭 ( . . . spearheaded by young Kashmiris)。


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