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iPad changing how college textbooks are used









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麻省理工學院的演講影片網站MIT WORLD,結合了MIT的學術聲望,以及MIT開放資源計畫慷慨分享資源的精神,這個優秀的網站開放讓使用者免費觀看麻省理工學院的各演講活動的錄影,對各位想聽學術演講,學習學術場合中英語聽力的同學們,真是一大福音。



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iPad changing how college textbooks are used

As college students return to classes this school year, many have a way of avoiding buying all those textbooks. The iPad is allowing students to carry just one device, and possibly save money along…

AP Associated Press
Thu Sep 2


Listen to main ideas---predict what you are probably going to hear



Here are some predictions for you, circle those mentioned in the video clip

Question: If I had an Apple i-Pad, what would possibly be happened?

(A) I could save a lot of money for buying printed books.

(B) Students could go to class without carrying a heavy backpack.

(C) Students could stay awake in class because there would always be accessible to the Internet.

(D) My school would be a better contributor in environmental protection.

(E) I could be distracted by this high-tech device.

(F) Students could enhance my studying efficiency due to the audio and visual functions i-Pad provides.

(G) I could update my facebook whenever I want.

(H) Students would have more troubles if I need to take notes during class.

(I) Book printers and publisher would be unacceptable for being replaced by i-Pad.

(J) There would be second hand i-Pad stores instead of second hand books stores.




ANS: A, B, D, F

A: Students could potentially save a lot of money by using the i-Pad as most students spend thousand of dollars on their printed textbooks.

B: In this semester, instead of logging around and piles of textbooks, some students are simply carrying one device.

D: Another lesson learned is a green one. Using i-Pads and other tablets could significantly reduce a school’s paper use.

F: And so far, both students and teachers give the i-Pad a high mark. “These additional audio and visual connectivity that I think they are (students) gonna remember more. Time will tell, but I think they will” said Catherine Giunta, professor of Seton Hill.


Source: http://news.yahoo.com/video/science-15749654/ipad-changing-how-college-textbooks-are-used-21709963


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