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Studying in the US: Writing College Papers

美國求學之路專題: 學術報告撰寫

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MyET 面試英語

轉眼間畢業典禮已經結束,要準備進入職場了,除了服裝儀容的整潔、履歷表的填寫外,最重要的其中一關不外乎是面試了,萬一面試主考官突然用英文問你,總不能鴨子聽雷,一臉茫然吧!所以囉,MyET在這裡提供了208句很實用的面試英語,讓你在面試時無往不利!而且這個練習可是免費的唷! ...... 我要參加面試!

Members Only資源介紹





本期為各位介紹一部廣受好評的戲劇類影集--廣告狂人。2008、2009年連續兩年獲頒美國艾美獎戲劇類最佳影集大獎,好評刷新美國電視史,繼《華爾 街》後,又一部掀起商場角力的影集。在爾虞我詐的商場上,沒有任何事物是表裡一致的,或許在光鮮亮麗的廣告界裡更是如此...


Studying in the US: WritingCollege Papers

美國求學之路專題: 學術報告撰寫

29 April 2009


Click on the link to listen to the news report and complete the following sentences.


1.Academic writing is a way to _______ _______ _______

2.The steps of writing an academic paper include: _______ an issue, _______ the already known information, and coming to some _______.

3.During the process of writing an academic paper, each student-writer also has to _______ information and _______ a position.

4.After the position has been decided, the writer need to provide _______ to support their position.

5.A common writing problem of international students is that they tend to fill the paper with beautiful _______ about something without ever _______ the main idea.

6.In American style of writing, the main idea of each paragraph should be in the _______ sentence.

7.American English values _______, _______ sentences instead of _______ words.

8.Non-native English writers also have problems in grammar and a_______es, and they generally use too much _______ language and give too many _______ before getting to the main idea.

9.Writing professionals are advised to look _______ for materials that can help them with their writing.

10.Students can also go to writing _______ where they can get free _______ help with their work.



1.create new knowledge

2.examining; review, conclusion

3.present; take


5.descriptions; stating


7.short; strong, descriptive

8.articles; emotional; details


10.centers; individual
English Freeway


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