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Indonesian Street Kids Find Rescue in Organic Farming

A former street kid works in the fields at The Learning Farm

Photo: VOA


"But Jiway Tung, the group's director, explains the program goes beyond learning a new trade. He says his school is a school of life."

有機農場的主持人Jiway Tung表示,這個計畫不僅是給青少年一項謀生的技能而已,更是讓他們學習人生的課程。


◎  第39期中級自學包裹上線囉!

這一期提供了二大主題:第一類包含英國最流行的青少女穿著打扮,有著各式各樣的風格,像是"rocker"風、"Tom Boy"風等等,環狀飾品,也不再只有耳環,也有鼻環,肚臍環,眉環等。

第二類則帶領大家到海地慈善單曲的發行報導,結合英美各地的歌手,大家齊發聲,為受難者獻上一首歌,最後也帶大家聆聽這首原本由一樂團 "REM"的經典之作 "Everybody Hurts"。

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Indonesian Street Kids Find Rescue in Organic Farming

Solenn Honorine
Cianjur, Indonesia
08 February 2010

Baseball is America's national sport.  So it is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball.  But first, let me explain a little about the game.

Every year in Indonesia, thousands of rural poor migrate to big cities in hope of finding a better life. But for many of them, the dream never comes true. A private charity, the Learning Farm, is taking the opposite path: teaching former street kids how to grow green, it gives them a chance to succeed in rural communities.

Sulkhan treads carefully past shacks where goats are busy digesting the next batch of eco-friendly fertilizer. A group of around 40 young men is gathered down the path, at the entrance of a greenhouse. They wear muddy rubber boots, which clash somewhat with their tattoos, long silver chains and body piercings.

Sulkhan asks them to sing the Learning Farm's welcome song, in honor of their guests.

The boys, aged 15 to 22, are attending a five-month program at the Learning Farm to become organic farmers. But Jiway Tung, the group's director, explains the program goes beyond learning a new trade. He says his school is a school of life.

A former street kid works in the fields at The Learning Farm

"For a lot of these youths, in their lives, there's been very little in the way of expectations and accountability," he said. "So the discipline that we insist on is a way of saying that we value your potential, just as Nature holds us all accountable. If you don't apply good farming methods, if we don't apply good techniques, and we don't follow up on a daily basis, the crops tell the story to the youths".

Susanto, a gruff and bulky 17-year-old, has had a lot to learn. At 14, he says he could no longer tolerate his parents' beatings, so he fled and joined a group of street kids in the city of Jogjakarta. He says he did everything people do when they live on the streets - stole, used drugs. Susanto says he liked street life, where no one could tell him what to do.

But Susanto discovered that life held many dangers. After a two-month stint in jail, he took the advice of a graduate from the Learning Farm and decided to join the program.

It is not easy to coax young men into going to the countryside. Even though Indonesia remains very much a rural country, city dwellers sneer at the ways of rural residents. Jiway Tung, however, insists that Indonesians are not really cut off from their rural roots.

"When we go to farms, you can see plants that have very specific uses but have been forgotten or neglected by more recent generations," he said. "But these plants, whether green manure or natural pesticides, where planted there with a logic, with a purpose, by older farmers. So, again, we're reconnecting. It's not bringing in something foreign; it's re-discovering and re-envisioning"

Arief Syaffudin, a 17-year-old, carefully scratches at the roots of a broccoli plant. He says that chemical farming is not really stupid, but it is a very selfish method. He prefers a more wholesome approach, a type of farming where you have to listen to the plants, and fulfill their needs to also fulfill your own.

Organic produce sells at a higher price than conventionally farmed vegetables. And Jiway says, since organic farming does not require costly fertilizers or pesticides, it can generate a better income for farmers. Although the Indonesian market for organic produce is still small, there are opportunities; the Learning Farm is talking with a large supermarket chain about selling its produce.

This type of project motivates the students, like Sofian.

He says that he did not stand a chance to improve his life in the city: he lacked the money and the education to make it in Jakarta. He says here at the farm he feels at home and he can grab the chance to live a better life. Now, he could become a businessman farmer.

It is lunchtime. The boys tidy up their tools, dust off their hands and knees, and head toward the kitchen, petting the goats as they walk by. Many have no family, and only vague dreams about a modest future. But walking along the green slopes of Java's volcanoes, they have a chance to build new lives.


rural (a) 農業的;鄉村的
文章裡使用到 rural 來組成名詞片語的還有 rural communities (農村;農業社區)、rural country (農業國家)、rural roots (農業社會的根、歷史記憶,這裡指的是即使印尼在現代都市化的進程上,與過去農業社會的生活臍帶依舊是沒有切斷的)、rural residents (鄉村、農村人口,鄉民,可以相對於後面提到的「都市人」“city dwellers” 一詞) 。

tread (v) 行走;步行

rubber boots (n.phr) 膠鞋

piercing (n) 穿刺;打洞

下田時穿的沾滿泥巴的膠鞋(muddy rubber boots)與這些青少年過去當「不良少年」時身體上所留下的印記形成一個對比。這些街頭標記有刺青、銀鍊、穿刺 (tattoos, long silver chains and body piercings)。

accountability (n) 負責任;責任心

這裡是說在這些年輕人的成長背景裡,他們不被期待,也應此缺少一種要求自己負責任的心裡。在這個農場裡,他們則必須學會付出與收穫的關係,也會在勞動過程中親自體會這因果的道理。所以文中說,「自然會讓我們每個人都負起責任」(Nature hold us all accountable)。每個人都逃不了自然裡的自然定律,如果不付出勞力、不腳踏實地,就得不到收穫。這樣的道裡在農場上顯而易見,如果不使用好的耕作方法與技術 (good farming methods and techniques),沒有每日按部就班的耕耘 (follow up on a daily basis),農作物就會長不好。

use drugs (v. phr) 使用、濫用毒品

a stint in jail (n.phr) 坐牢服刑

city dwellers (n. phr) 住城市的居民;都市人

green manure (n) 綠肥;綠肥作物

pesticide (n) 殺蟲劑

這裡是說上一代的農作法是在田野間種植綠肥作物與驅蟲植物,只是最近的世代 (recent generations) 都忘了這些植物的用處了。所以現在的有機耕種法,不是引進了什麼新奇的、外來的做法或概念 (something foreign),其實只是與過去重新建立連結、再次的發現與再次的發揮想像空間 (reconnecting、re-discovering、re-envisioning)。

wholesome (a) 有益健康的

organic (a) 有機的

新聞裡用到 organic 的地方還有 organic produce (有機農作物), organic farming (有機耕作),相對於就是傳統式的使用化學肥的農作法與作物 (conventionally farmed vegetables、chemical farming)。

modest (a) 些許的;謙虛的

a modest future 表示對未來很謙卑、很務實的期待。對這些重返印尼農間的青少年來說,他們並沒有什麼太高大、弘遠的志向與企圖,有的僅是一個還再勾勒中的,對樸實、安穩的未來的夢想 (only vague dreams about a modest future)。

Words and Phrases in Use

in (the) hope of 懷著…的期待、希望
Every year in Indonesia, thousands of rural poor migrate to big cities in hope of finding a better life.

in honor of 對. . 致敬;紀念. . .

Sulkhan asks them to sing the Learning Farm's welcome song, in honor of their guests.

coax somebody into doing something 哄勸;勸誘;柔性的勸說

It is not easy to coax young men into going to the countryside.

coax 的英文定義是 “to gently persuade somebody to do something” (很溫和的說服別人做一件事),配以一種很親切、溫和、有耐心的方式 (in a kind, gentle, and patient way)。在使用上,不一定會有中文翻譯裡那種「哄」跟「誘」的負面的含義。

sneer at 對…表示輕蔑;嘲笑

Even though Indonesia remains very much a rural country, city dwellers sneer at the ways of rural residents.

generate a better income (for sb.) 提高所得、產生較多的收入

And Jiway says, since organic farming does not require costly fertilizers or pesticides, it can generate a better income for farmers.

stand a chance (to V) 有…的機會

He says that he did not stand a chance to improve his life in the city.

這幾個段落還有跟機會想關的動詞是「抓住」機會與「擁有」機會 (grab the chance; have a chance) 。這裡用improve life表示「改善」生活,文末則是用build new lives表示「建立新的生活」。



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