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Do you know why everybody loves brand-name products?

A recent research tells us: Blame your brain!

Find out why in our English Express. Next time you will have some scientifically based excuses for spending on brand-name luxuries.

Check it out!

New atlas of the brain regions?


◎ 電子報編輯公告:

1.為美化英語學習報之版面,特舉辦「刊頭圖片設計比賽」,號召具有美工設計長才的台大學生與教職員工投稿參賽。... 比賽辦法

2.視聽館12月份新到資料,有3部DVD影片,歡迎大家來看唷!... 是哪三部?

English Freeway 更新通知:

Advanced雜誌12月內容已有更新,包括"The Land of Hypercommunication," "What Makes Great Leadership?" 以及"How One Career Woman Finds Work-Life Balance"大家快來看看裡頭談了什麼吧!...我要看雜誌


廖樹輝老師已於12/5起恢復原週二上午的寫作諮詢時段,請同學多多預約利用。 ... 我要預約


你有沒有任何有關英文的問題想要找人問呢?視聽館的「英文小老師」可以幫你解答唷!無須預約,即問即答,歡迎多加利用。 ...我想了解



English Bites

English Bites是什麼?咬英文嗎?牙齒會痛吧?把英文都吃到肚子裡頭?恐怕會拉肚子吧?別鬧啦!這是澳洲語言學家專門設計的英語學習網站,不像一般單字練習網站只有單純的文字檔練習,Engslih Bites提供豐富精彩的影片檔,每週一到五每天都會更新,並貼心提供給學習者影片的詳細對話內容,此外,還針對影片內容,提供相關的單字、片語以及例句的解說,保證你用過一定會愛上這個網站喔! ... 媽!英文咬我!



近來金管會證期局為避免基金投資人「炒短線」,要求投信業者訂定短線交易相關規範。「炒短線」英文怎麼說?較接近的是swing trade作動詞用,作名詞時譯為「擺盪式交易」,屬「短線交易」(short-term trading)的一種,也有(short) swing trading的說法,指投資人根據股票或基金的小幅走勢,頻繁買進賣出進行短線交易。想知道更多商用英語說法嗎?快試試視聽館的Biz商用英語自學軟體吧!... 放長線才能釣大魚唷!

不知道怎麼用嗎?那你一定沒看上一期電子報的最新消息!下次不可以這樣喔! ... LiveABC英檢模考使用說明CNN_Biz使用說明



Contemporary Topics: Listening and Note-Taking Skills — PART 1

上期電子報介紹的Lecture Ready,主打聽講能力訓練與有效做筆記,受到廣大迴響,詢問人氣度再破紀錄,可見大家普遍需要學習這類的能力,於是電子報小編決定打鐵趁熱,於本期再推出同一類型的教材,雖然這套「當代話題」沒有火辣辣的實境DVD,但是全書的設計編排與內容精彩度十分值得推薦。這次Part 1將用比較結構性的方式,介紹書的編排與組織,而下回的Part 2將針對內容做主題式介紹,另外還有電子報小編的使用心得,敬請期待。... 再看一點介紹


英語宅急便Brands May Control Your Brain


Plada: It’s getting cold these days. Winter is really coming!

Kuggi: Great! I’ve always wanted to buy myself a Burberry overcoat, and now it’s time!

Plada: Dream on. You are only wealthy enough to buy some Burberry-like raincoat.

Kuggi: Come on! I am just kidding, okay? Hasn’t your mom told you that it’s impolite to interrupt “the creative effulgence of imagination”?

Plada: Yes, she has, but she also told me that it’s more important to stop “the spontaneous overflow of absurdity.”

Kuggi: Alright, your mother wins. But seriously, I find myself strangely attracted to brand-name products, clothing, accessories, bags, even the pirated ones.

Plada: Not only you, most people are like that, according to a recent study on brain reaction to brand…

Kuggi: Pardon? Brain reaction to brand, or brand reaction to brain?

Plada: Hey, I say stop your spontaneous overflow of absurdity!

Kuggi: Can’t help, it’s just “spontaneous,” as you said. So what did our lovely scientists find about brain and brand?

Plada: Well-known commercial brands can activate areas of the brain involved in warm emotions, reward, and self-identity, while lesser-known ones elicit negative responses.

Kuggi: Sounds like some old-fashioned excuse for squandering—“makes me happy!” What better reasons can we find for such spendthrift consumption, except for “Makes me happy”?

Plada: At least this time it is scientifically based. The MRI used in this research measures brain activities that tell no lies. It can gauge consumer response directly and eliminate the risk of dishonest or incomplete answers in market surveys.

Kuggi: What if I am determined to lie by wielding my willpower? “I don’t like Burberry! I don’t like Burberry! I like strawberry, strawberry, strawberry!!” Can the machine tell?

Plada: Yes. A student was asked to name his favorite brand of sneakers, and he said Adidas. But under MRI, Puma actually evoked a more positive response, and the student admitted that his favorite shoe was a Puma model that was out of his price range.

Kuggi: The subconscious, cool! Maybe I can get a test and find out which brand I like most, since it’s so difficult to decide consciously.

Plada: You don’t have to. We already know that you like "strawberry" best.



overcoat (n) 外套,大衣
squander (v) 揮霍
raincoat (n) 雨衣
spendthrift (adj) 揮霍無度的
interrupt (v) 打斷
consumption (n) 消費
effulgence (n) 光輝
MRI  Magnetic Resonance Imaging
spontaneous (adj) 自發的
overflow (n) 泛濫,洋溢
gauge (v) 測量
absurdity (n) 荒謬
eliminate (v) 消除
brand-name (adj) 名牌的
market survey (ph) 市場調查
pirated (adj) 盜版的
wield (v) 行使權力,施加影響
activate (v) 使活動
willpower (n) 意志力
self-identity (n) 認同
sneakers (n) 球鞋
lesser-known (adj) 較不知名的
range (n) 範圍
elicit (v) 引起
subconscious (adj) 潛意識的
old-fashioned (adj) 老套的



abc News :Shoppers' Brains Under Brand-Name Control

EurekAlert:MRI shows brains respond better to name brands

Commercial Alert:This Is Your Brain on a Strong Brand: Even Insurers Can Excite

TVBS News:新研究:名牌刺激大腦 引購物欲



English Freeway



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