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You who are used to send text messages while you walk, have you ever walked into a hole or hit a tree while concentrating on your cell phone?

If you cannot quit texting while you walk, a new solution has arisen in Britain, where people may text and walk all they want without the danger of hurting themselves.

Interested in knowing how they manage it? Take a look.

It is not very smart to send text messages while you walk. Really.


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◎ 請大家來填自學包裹問卷!




Everyday Conversation in English

從網站名稱"Everyday English in Conversation"就可以明顯看出這個網站的主題便是英文版的日常生活對話啦!網站提供的對話內容其實很簡單,說不上什麼高難度的單字或片語,但非常靈活。儘管學英文學了很久,但大家一般較少接觸日常生活的對話,所以往往講正經事的時候可以一把罩,真的需要跟人閒聊的時候,卻發現很多中文說得很習慣的東西不知道該怎麼用英文去表達。你有這個困擾嗎?趕快來看看這個網站吧!......生活化英文也要一把罩!


Self-study Package (Clarity English: Author Plus)

你知道視聽館不僅為了校內廣大的英文學習人口不斷引進優良的英文自學軟體和資源以外,更推出自學包裹供大家更多元的練習嗎?打從2006年年底開始,我們便於每月21日推出新一期的自學包裹,並於2007年十月開始擴大規模,每月固定提供中高級及中級兩組練習題。此外,隨著我們於2007年底購置史上最強線上英文學習軟體Clarity English,自學包裹更於2008年元月起正式納入Clarity EnglishAuthor Plus系統當中,採用漂亮的介面、互動的多媒體,提供給大家更多元的英文自我練習機會。今天就來介紹一下納入Author Plus以後的自學包裹使用介面吧!...... 自學包裹在賣什麼藥?


Ten Steps to Write an Essay

開羅美國大學的寫作中心知道寫作學術論文的痛苦和茫然,因此將寫作過程有系統地整理成十大階段,一一介紹各階段該做些什麼樣的準備工作、該有哪些進展;除此之外,該網站也提供了豐富的練習題,讓學習者可以在實做中確實領會這些規則及建議的實踐方法。只要一步一步按照這份學術寫作攻略,相信你的下一篇學術論文一定如有神助地咻咻咻馬上就寫出來啦!...... 我要神速地寫出學術論文!



Fictional Flights





The "Walk 'n Text" Hazard


Nokia: Stop! Stop right there!

Sony: What?! (suddenly stopping walking, and looking up from his cell phone)

Nokia: Don’t you know that it is hazardous to text on your cell phone while you walk? Especially if you are walking in that speed. If you hit something, you might break your neck.

Sony: I consider it hazardous if I don’t go and meet up with my girlfriend soon, and fatal if I don’t text her now and tell her that I will be slightly late. Speaking of breaking my neck, she will do exactly that if I make her wait. (walking away texting and… bumping into a mailbox) Ouch!

Nokia: See. I told you. You know that in Britain, six million people were injured last year colliding with lamp posts, bollards, and litter bins while trying to walk and text on mobile phones at the same time? People pick up injuries ranging from bruises to fractured bones. I suggest you concentrate on walking if want to walk that fast.

Sony: You can’t blame me. You see, we modern people like to juggle several things at once, and since walking do not require thumbs, we use them to transmit text messages. It’s just a perfect use of time.

Nokia: I see, you don’t think that walking requires eyes. Maybe you should get a guide dog to steer you away from street obstacles. And maybe some brain surgery to help you think straight.

Sony: See, as a taxpayer, why do I even have the need to navigate through obstacles while I walk? The government should not put things on pavements! Don’t they know it’s dangerous for pedestrians? Do you know the number of injured people? Six million in only one year!

Nokia: I believe I have just told you that information. But there are really a staggering number of clumsy people. Actually, some kind folks are trying to stem the flow of ailments by wrapping protective pads around lamp posts to protect dozy phone users like you.

Sony: See, that’s an ingenious idea. Wrapping everything up and the world will be a safer place.

Nokia: And a very ugly place. Why can’t you people just walk with your heads up?

Sony: I told you, it’s about how to use our time efficiently. You see, in the modern society, things move in a swift pace and everyone is running out of time….

Nokia: I know, just like you are running out of time right now. I know your murderous girlfriend is waiting, but maybe you wish to tell me some more about your need to text and walk at the same time? Sony! Sony! Don’t run so fast! I would really love to hear some more of your idiotic theories. Sony!!



hazardous (adj) 有危險的
navigate (v) 航行;操縱;導航
text (v) [口] 傳簡訊
pavement (n) 人行道
fatal (adj) 致命的
pedestrian (n) 行人

bump into (ph) 不小心撞到;無意中遇到

staggering (adj) 驚人的
collide (v) 碰撞
clumsy (adj) 笨手笨腳的
post (n) 柱子
stem (v) 阻擋;遏止
bollard (n) [英](人行道與車道的)分隔柱
ailment (n) 病痛;痛苦
litter (n) [英]垃圾
wrap (v) 包裹;纏繞
bruise (n) 瘀青
pad (n) (保護的)厚墊
fractured (adj) 碎裂的
dozy (adj) 想睡的;迷迷糊糊的
juggle (v) 耍弄(球、盤)
ingenious (adj) 聰明的;精巧的
thumb (n) 大拇指
murderous (adj) 蓄意兇殺的;危險的
steer (v) 掌舵;操縱
idiotic (adj) 白癡的
surgery (n) 外科手術



ITN News: Padding to Protect Pedestrian (相關新聞報導影片)

Daily Express: 6 Million Who Ignored Safe Text Message

Metro.co.uk: Lamppost "Cushions" for Clumsy Texters


English Freeway



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