Mil Arcega
When Steve Jobs died Wednesday, the business world lost a marketing genius - one of the world's most creative and successful innovators.Jobs, who is credited with rescuing the company he founded and turning it into one of the world's most valuable corporations, is considered one of this generation's great trailblazers. As the world mourns Job's death, though, some are wondering what will happen to Apple now that its iconic leader is gone.
For a college dropout, Jobs did quite well. A billionaire many times over, Jobs was the ultimate salesman, a man who seemed to know what consumers wanted even before they did.
"Everything will be portable, people want large color screens that they can put photographs on, people want motion videos," said Jobs.

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By creating well designed products that people wanted to use, Jobs returned to a company that was nearly bankrupt in the early 90's and transformed it into one of the world's biggest corporations.
But can Apple continue its winning ways without its spiritual leader?
Sanford Bernstein technology analyst Mark Newman said, "Well I am not going to say it is the end of Apple's innovation. I do believe they will continue, they have many, many great people there. But I am concerned long-term about the innovation waning, as I said before.
Newman says Apple's dominance in consumer electronics faces serious challenges from its competitors, some who are involved in a number of high-profile legal battles with Apple.
"And I do think they are coming under increasing attack by companies, especially Samsung, especially at the low-end, as well as the high-end. And I think without Steve Jobs, this is actually going to become significantly worse for them to fend off," said Newman.
Challenges, confidence
But some analysts say Job's decision to step down as CEO in August and his nomination of Tim Cook as his successor means Apple's fate is no longer as closely tied to its charismatic leader.
Hong Kong market analyst Francis Lun said Apple shares have held steady, reflecting investor confidence in Apple's future.
"As far as the stock market is concerned, I think you will find people who will short Apple shares, but other than that I really do not think there is really that much effect on the stock market or the business world," said Lun.
Even so, many consider Jobs the heart and soul of the company. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak mourns the loss of so much creative potential.
"There was so much more that was yet to come, even though he was so accomplished, and that is what we worry about now. Why? Because every product from Apple spoke like it was Steve Jobs. He was represented by this stuff, and I am not going to put out just some great stuff, it has got to be insanely great. That is how he wanted to appear to the world," said Wozniak.
"Insanely great" was one of Job's favorite catch phrases. The question now is whether that legacy of revolutionary products and ideas will continue without Steve Jobs at the helm.
Language Notes
be credited with ( v phr) 歸功於
trailblazer (n) 開拓者,先驅
iconic (a) 偶像的;標誌性的
賈伯斯把自己一手創建的公司起死回生,並使之成為最有價值的公司 (the world’s most valuable corporations),一向被視為是這個世代偉大的開創者 (trailblazer)。當世界對賈伯斯逝世哀悼之際,許多人不禁懷疑,失去了這位指標性的領導人物 (iconic leader),頻果的未來會怎樣?
dropout (n) 輟學生
portable (a) 便於攜帶的,手提式的
innovation (n) 革新,改革,創新
wane (v) 衰落;沒落
high-profile (a) 高調的,倍受矚目的
fend off ( v phr) 抵禦, 抵擋
科技產業分析師 Mark Newman並不認為蘋果將停止創新 (the end of Apple’s innovation),但他卻擔心長期而言,蘋果創新的力道會減弱 (innovation waning)。 Newman認為,蘋果在消費性電子產品 (consumer electronics)的霸主地位(dominance)將面對嚴重的挑戰,也和市場競爭者涉及幾件備受矚目的法律訴訟案件 (high-profile legal battles)。在失去了賈伯斯之後,Newman認為蘋果要抵禦 (fend off)對手激烈的攻擊將更為困難。
successor (n) 後繼者,繼任者
charismatic (a) 有魅力的;有吸引力的
share (n) 股票
文中搭配當動詞用的 short;to short shares可以指放空股票、看空股票
insanely (adv) 瘋狂的
用在這裡修飾 great,insanely grate可以理解成「絕妙的,絕佳的,棒呆了」
catch phrase ( n phr) 口頭禪
helm (n) 舵,指揮號令之位
at the helm 掌舵
也有分析師認為,賈伯斯在八月決定辭去CEO職位,並點名 Tim Cook為接班人 (successor),蘋果的命運就不再緊握在這位超高人氣的領導人身上了 (charismatic leader)。香港的市場分析師 Francis Lun說,蘋果的股票表現平穩 (Apple shares have held steady),表示投資人對蘋果的未來仍有信心。
現在的疑問是,少了賈伯斯這位舵手 (without Steve Jobs at the helm),他所留下的革命性產品跟想法(legacy of revolutionary products and ideas)能否還能繼續下去。