
新增資料庫- International Index to Music Periodicals Fulltext


國際音樂期刊索引全文(International Index to Music Periodicals Fulltext,簡稱IIMP),涵蓋400多種發行於20幾個國家之音樂期刊,目前資料已經回溯至1874年,無論是學術期刊或是通俗音樂雜誌,皆收錄於本資料庫之中。所涵蓋的音樂主題,例如:爵士、音樂市場、錄音系統…等等,以及數千個主題詞彙,用來 描述音樂概念、人物、地名或團體名稱,範圍相當廣泛,同時每篇文章皆有簡單的摘要,提供使用者更豐富的內容。



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About  International Index to Music Periodicals Full text

IIMP Full Text is an unrivalled resource for music research. It provides indexing and abstracts for more than 430 international music periodicals, plus full text for 110 journals. No other individual resource has comparable index-plus-full text coverage.  The database currently includes over 530,000 article records, the majority of which index the most recent eight years of publication. More than 200,000 index records in IIMP Full Text are from the backfile (up to 1995) and much of this coverage commences at the first issue of the journal run, some starting as early as 1874.

IIMP Full Text includes current full text articles from a range of publications and this new version of the site includes substantially more full text. As well as additional current coverage - both extended overage and new full text titles - it also contains backfile full text content from the first published issue for a number of core music journals.

IIMP Full Text covers a comprehensive range of subject areas in both scholarly and popular music journals ranging from International Journal of Music Education, Ethnomusicology, Jazz Education Journal and Musical Times to Rock and Rap Confidential and Rolling Stone. Articles examine the full spectrum of subjects and all aspects of music, including music education, performance, ethnomusicology, musical theatre, theory, popular music forms and composition.

You can find articles on a diverse array of musical genres, from the liturgical chants of medieval monks to the eclectic sounds of contemporary alternative rock musicians.

IIMP Full Text is a dynamic database, with content added on a monthly basis. It will be also be regularly updated with new functionality and features.


How to use:

1. Please visit to NTU Library's homepage → click on "Databases" under "E-Resources"→ search or browse the database by subjects

2. Access to the databases is restricted by IP address inside NTU campus network. (140.112.*.*) Remote access available for valid users.

3. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

