

[Workshop] Learning & Research Resources of NTU Library


Please register the session onlinehttp://act.lib.ntu.edu.tw/act/show?id=802


NTU library has a wealth of learning and research resources, with a collection of more than 8.3 million volumes. Therefore, selecting and using appropriate resources for specific information is the key to successful studying, learning, and research. This session will introduce how to efficiently find what you need from such a rich collection, including academic and leisure resources. You will also learn about the many different resources available to you.


After registration, you will be notified of the live stream URL (through Cisco Webex) before the date of the session.


NTU Library F.I.R.S.T. Workshop

Foreign Student Must-Learns: Information, Research and Search Techniques



If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.

 (02) 3366-2326  tul@ntu.edu.tw


