
試用資料庫: ProQuest One Literature


ProQuest One Literature 提供1,200種全文期刊、20,000多筆的文學評論、30,000多筆論文、20,000本電子書、500,000筆資料包含詩歌、戲劇與散文,1,300支影片和1,000筆音頻的作品與作者訪談。文學內容收錄包括 : 非洲作家系列、黑人女性作家、拉美文學、詩歌、戲劇與小說等。Harper Collins Classics文學經典,共收錄150種必需的文學電子書。以及來自The Guardian《衛報》、The New York Times《紐約時報》和The Washington Post《華盛頓日報》的超過50,000篇書評。跨學科學術期刊,包括 : Asian American Literature Discourses & Pedagogies《亞裔美國文學與教學法》、Journal of Commonwealth Literature《英聯邦文學雜誌》等等。



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Database trial : ProQuest One Literature

1. Description

ProQuest One Literature is for scholars who must engage with an exhaustive and diverse set of scholarly resources around a given literary topic for research and course planning. It contains 5 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works – including rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings.

Trial access: until 2022.12.10

2. Accessing the database

(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements when using databases.

NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at 02-3366-2326 or e-mail:tul@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2022.10.4
