
試用資料庫: Grolier Online TrueFlix ScienceFlix


1. Grolier Online
新版的Grolier Online (GO)【葛羅里百科全書資料庫】源自於美國七大百科全書:(一)Encyclopedia Americana《大美百科全書》; (二)Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia《葛羅里多媒體百科全書》; (三)The New Book of Knowledge《新知識百科全書》; (四)The New Book of Popular Science《科學新知百科全書》; (五)Lands and Peoples《國土與民情百科全書》; (六)America The Beautiful《美哉!阿美利堅百科全書》; (七)Amazing Animals of the World《世界動物奇觀百科全書》。Grolier Online將兩百年來美國傳統中的「七大百科全書」統合為單一的搜尋介面,讀者可一次搜尋所有相關的資源。
※Username: CONtest1 / Password: CONtest1 (請注意大小寫)

2. TrueFlix電子有聲書
※Username: CONtest1 / Password: CONtest1 (請注意大小寫)

3. ScienceFlix科學多媒體電子書
ScienceFlix提供師生超過70 種科學領域,完整的學習單元,涉及六個研究領域:地球科學、太空科學、生命科學、健康與人體、物理科學、技術、數學和工程學。透過新的 STEM 思維和新一代的科學標準,藉由與科學相關的數位多媒體教材,使學生對科學概念有更好的了解,獲取科學知識並建立對科學,技術和工程學的持久興趣。
※Username: flixsci95 / Password: leaf



1. 請從本館網頁點選「研究資源」→「電子資源」→「資料庫」→「試用資料庫」→ 點選欲查詢的資料庫名稱。若於校外,請先設定校外連線VPN
2. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法,並影響全校讀者之使用權益。

歡迎全校師生上網試用,對試用資料庫如有任何問題與建議,請填寫試用資料庫意見調查表,或洽詢圖書館 Tel: 02-3366-2326; E-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw


Database trial : Grolier Online TrueFlix and ScienceFlix

1. Description

1. Grolier Online
Grolier Online Encyclopedia, the Scholastic Go search engine provides access to 7 Encyclopedias: (1) Encyclopedia Americana; (2) Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia; (3) The New Book of Knowledge; (4) The New Book of Popular Science; (5) Lands and Peoples; (6) America The Beautiful; (7) Amazing Animals of the World. It’s a one-stop-shop for information on nearly any subject, for any reading level.
※Username: CONtest1 / Password: CONtest1

2. TrueFlix
TrueFlix is an online resource that combines award-winning True Books content with reading supports and a deep and diverse collection of related videos, images, Web links, and texts. With its strong science and social studies content, TrueFlix allows students to master content-area knowledge while honing their literacy skills.
※Username: CONtest1 / Password: CONtest1

3. ScienceFlix
Offering more than 70 complete units of study with over 20,000 science-related assets in a variety of media, ScienceFlix® provides students with a better understanding of science concepts and ideas through hands-on projects, videos, multiple text types, interactive features and more.
※Username: flixsci95 / Password: leaf

Trial access: until 2022.8.15

2. Accessing the database

(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements when using databases.

NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at 02-3366-2326 or e-mail:tul@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2022.5.19
