

一、     資料庫簡介

194512月,美國杜魯門總統派遣馬歇爾(George Catlett Marshall.Jr)來華調停,與國民政府、中國共產黨達成共識,由三方派代表成立「軍事三人小組」,作為軍事衝突時的調處管道,並在北平設立「軍事調處執行部」。19467月,內戰全面爆發,馬歇爾不得不宣布調停失敗,「軍事三人小組」、「軍調部」也隨之解散。雖然最終調停失敗,但在這段時間不長的調處期間卻留下超過20萬頁的龐大紀錄,透過數位化重現國共關係原件之全貌。




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Database trial: Records on Marshall Mission, the American mediation between the Nationalists (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP)  1945-1947 (Chinese)

It has been 70 years since the Republic of China established in Taiwan after two World Wars and numerous international events throughout the 20th century. Before 1949, the Nationalists (Kuomintang) had cooperated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but also engaged in civil wars that created a deep impact around the world. Even today, the cross-strait issues are still hot topics that are discussed on main pages across the media. It is also the focus of international attention, and its extended issues are time-transgressive and worth studying.


Trial access: until 2022/04/30

2. Accessing the database

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Published: 2022/03/31
