
新增資料庫: 美國國家安全檔案資料庫

一、 資料庫簡介

ProQuest與美國國家安全檔案局共同推出「美國國家安全檔案資料庫」(Digital National Security Archive),涵蓋自1945年二次世界大戰至2016年,關於美國外交及國家安全的政策決定等機密檔案解密資料,提供11萬3千多份超過65萬頁的解密檔案,每個單元中皆收錄了不同的政府文件、總統命令、備忘錄、外交任命、會議記錄、獨立報告、簡報、白宮往返文件、電子郵件、秘密信件、機密文件等。另外各單元亦提供由專家撰寫之詳盡介紹及導讀論文、年表、詞彙解釋表。

二、 資料庫連線方式

1. 請從本館網頁點選「研究資源」→「電子資源」→「資料庫」→ 點選欲查詢的資料庫名稱。若於校外,請先設定校外連線VPN
2. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法,並影響全校讀者之使用權益。

如有任何問題與建議,歡迎洽詢圖書館 Tel: 02-3366-2326; E-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw


New Database : Digital National Security Archive

1. Description

ProQuest and the National Security Archive have partnered to offer the Digital National Security Archive , the most comprehensive collection of significant primary documents on modern U.S. foreign, military, and intelligence policy available outside the U.S. government. Collections cover the most critical world events, countries and U.S. policy decisions from post-World War II through the 21st century, providing unparalleled access to the defining international strategies of our time with more than 113,000 indexed, declassified documents, many published for the first time.

2. Accessing the database

(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements when using databases.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (02)33662324 or e-mail:tul@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2022.01.07
