
[臺大圖書館重要通知] 個人借閱紀錄密碼規則調整


1. 原本的至少6碼,調整為至少8碼,且密碼不得與帳號或前一次密碼相同 

敬請您儘速登入系統,確認帳密是否符合規則。倘於2019/1/132020/1/13期間仍未登入之讀者,密碼將被系統自動移除,屆時敬請利 用忘記密碼功能,系統將會自動寄送設定密碼之連結至您的信箱。 

國立臺灣大學圖書館閱覽組 敬啟 
發佈 2019.1.11


[Notice] Changes in Password Requirements for the Library System (SLIM)

To improve data security, changes will be made to the password requirements of the library system (SLIM), effective from Jan 13, 2019. This means that for NTU alumni, retirees, and other readers who do not log in with NTU IDs, their library passwords will have to fit the following requirements: 

1. A password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length, and must not be the same as the reader’s user ID or previous password. 
2. Accounts will be locked for 30 minutes after 5 attempts at logging in with incorrect passwords. 

If you are among those who are effected by this change, and your current password does not fit the above requirements, the library system will ask you to change it when you log in. If you cannot log in, please click on the Forgot password link or contact a librarian for help. In addition, please log in between Jan 13, 2019 and Jan 13, 2020 to make sure your password fits the above requirements. Otherwise, your password will be automatically removed from the system. If this happens, please click on the Forgot password link. The system will send you a link to set a new password. 

Thank you for your cooperation 
Readers Services Division, NTU Library 
Posted on January 11th, 2019



