
資料庫試用 : JustisJustCite資料庫試用

(English Description)

英國Justis 出版社目前提供台大試用其兩大法律線上資料庫, 一為 Justis,一為 JustCite, 以下為其簡介, 歡迎讀者踴躍試用!

請留意試用內容不含愛爾蘭的資料, 也不包括 Law Reports 與 Weekly Law Reports, 首頁進入後不需輸入帳密, 直接點選Continue to Justis 或Continue to JustCite 即可進入查詢。

  1. Justis :
    Justis 為全文資料庫, 提供大英聯合王國自1163年起的法律資料與 1235 年起的立法資料, 其它國家資料自 1919 年起提供。
  2. JustCite :
    JustCite 為法律引用資料庫, 可做為法律研究的起始點。

試用期間 : 即日起至 2011 年 4 月 30 日止


  1. 請從 法社分館首頁點選「電子資源」中的「資料庫」→「試用資料庫」→ 點選欲查詢的資料庫名稱。
  2. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法,並影響全校讀者之使用權益。 

聯絡資訊 :
歡迎全校師生上網試用,對試用資料庫如有任何問題與建議,請填寫試用資料庫意見調查表,或洽詢法社分館Tel: 02-23519641-314, E-Mail : lawlib@ntu.edu.tw,以利本分館了解您的需求與意見。



Databases on Trial : Justis & JustCite on Trial :

Justis Publishing has been an independent provider of pioneering electronic legal research tools and services since 1986. Now it offers two main online legal interfaces for NTU to try. Please note that the Irish information as well as Law Reports & Weekly Law Reports are not included in the trial. There is no need to key in ID nor Password, just click Continue to Justis or Continue to JustCite to proceed.

  1. Justis :
    Justis.com is the full text and offers a while range of titles which you can pick and chose. Its UK law dates back to 1163, its legislation back to 1235 and international collections back to 1919.
    Quick Start Guide for Justis
  2. JustCite :
    JustCite.com is a provider-neutral legal citator which significantly enhances, speeds up and broadens the research process. It is perfect for anyone studying to become a legal professional because fundamentally it should be the starting point for any researcher.
    Quick Start Guide for JustCite

Trial Date : From Now to April 30, 2011

How to Use:

  1. Please go to Law and Social Sciences Library’s homepage→click on“Databases” under “E-Resources”→click on “Databases on Trial”
  2. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the databases on trial, please fill in the Inquiry Form for databases on trial or contact us at (02)23519641-314 or e-mail: lawlib@ntu.edu.tw
