
新增資料庫Prowess印度公司資料庫 (單機線上版) 歡迎使用

 English Description

本校社科院新訂的Prowess印度公司資料庫 (單機線上版) 涵蓋25,346個大型及中型印度公司的資料, 這些公司包括所有印度上市公司以及其它如中央國營企業。

本資料庫提供每間公司1500 項標準化的財務資訊, 並提供如產量、銷售量、使用原物料量與能源量之量化資訊, 涵蓋年代通常長達 10 年以上, 除以上資訊外, 尚提供聯絡方式、持股型式、銀行清單、稽核及新聞摘要等資料。


請留意, 由於本資料庫為單機線上資料庫, 請於法社分館電子資料庫檢索室 (位於最新期刊陳列室內) 開放時間內來館使用, 謝謝。



  1. 請於法社分館電子資料庫檢索室 (位於最新期刊陳列室內) 開放時間內來館使用。
  2. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法並影響全校讀者之使用權益。

聯絡資訊: 歡迎全校師生使用,若有任何疑問請洽詢法社分館Tel : 02-23519641-314, E-Mail : lawlib@ntu.edu.tw,謝謝。



English Description

New Database : Single-User Database of Indian Firms (Prowess) Now Available

Brief Description :

Prowess is a database of large and medium Indian firms. It contains detailed information on over 25,346 firms. These comprise

The database covers most of the

The companies covered in Prowess account for

Prowess provides detailed information on each company. This includes a normalized database of the financials covering 1,500 data items and ratios per company. Besides, it provides quantitative information on

Totally, the number of indicators per company is close to two thousand. Such information is usually available for over ten years. You will also find useful

Prowess also provides daily time series of share prices, computed returns that include

Prowess has found useful applications in places where trust matters the most

It packages a normalized database in a versatile and amazingly powerful software. The software permits unlimited querying power to the user.

Please come to Current Periodicals Room of Law and Social Sciences Library to use the database. Check opening hours!


How to Use :

1.    Please come to Current Periodicals Room of Law and Social Sciences Library to use the database. Check opening hours!

2.    Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at (02)23519641-314 or e-mail: lawlib@ntu.edu.tw
