
No. 71  May 2023





  本期範文賞析(SPOTLIGHT)節錄美國前檢察官Christopher Kwok於臺大校園的演講內容,以過往實務經歷為出發點,反思起訴案件時隱含的偏見,以及其懲罰的附帶後果可能造成的影響。人員專訪(STAR OF THE MONTH)邀請多年前曾修習寫作中心課程的Huck Yang,分享他在美國攻讀博士的歷程,以及畢業後擔任亞馬遜公司科學家的職場觀察心得。讀者園地(PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS)分享由寫作中心教師群共同編寫而成的「寫作十大重點」,節錄其中第十章節AI 輔助寫作的助力與阻力〉,探討ChatGPT帶給寫作者的利弊得失。

“Partnerships between industry and academia will be instrumental to advancing research and knowledge and creating a skilled workforce.”

by Suraj Rengarajan




Implicit Bias and Collateral Consequences - A California Prosecutor's Reflection 


講者:Christopher Kwok(美國前檢察官及律師)
講題:Implicit Bias and Collateral Consequences - A California Prosecutor's Reflection


Christopher Kwok, a former police officer in Hong Kong, had served as a district attorney in Santa Clara County District Attorney's office for over 20 years. He has worked in various divisions within the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office, including Misdemeanor, Felony Trial, Juvenile Trial, and Economic Crime. Through his experience, Mr. Kwok gained insight into implicit bias and collateral consequences during the legal procedure and how they could affect criminal prosecution. In his speech, Mr. Kwok shared some of his personal reflections with us.


The US Criminal Justice System
First, Mr. Kwok presented some statistics, which revealed that most felonies in the US did not go to trial. Instead, most of the cases were dismissed, pleaded guilty as charged or went through the plea bargain process. Mr. Kwok then briefly introduced the US criminal justice system, stating that it is the prosecutor's power to charge a crime. Generally, judges cannot change the charge but can only work on sentences after the defendant has been convicted.


The Role of a US Prosecutor
Mr. Kwok explained that the mission of a US prosecutor is to seek justice, pursue appropriate charges and sentences, protect the innocent, and convict the guilty, and protect the legal rights of everyone in the legal process. At times, even when they know that some questions may favor the accused, many prosecutors will ask these questions to ensure the truth is revealed during a trial.


Implicit Bias
Next, Mr. Kwok introduced the concept of implicit bias, in comparison to explicit bias, as something one is often unaware of. Mr. Kwok provided an example: when seeing a man and a woman both carrying a heavy suitcase at the same time, one may intuitively think that the woman might need more help even though one may not have consciously felt that the woman was physically weak. This is how implicit bias works.


How Implicit Bias May Affect Policing
Implicit bias can affect police procedures. For instance, in the United States, certain racial groups may be stopped by the police more often, searched more frequently, or given a citation instead of a warning, just because of implicit bias. It may also affect prosecuting of crimes, such as charging a more serious crime, being less likely to consider evidence of innocence or giving a more severe sentence in the plea-bargaining process.


Addressing Implicit Bias
To battle implicit bias, Santa Clara County DA's Office invited speakers like Ronald Cotton, a famous exoneree in the US, to share their point of view with prosecutors and other staff. They also watched movies about false convictions, discussed the concepts of implicit bias and took implicit bias tests created by Harvard University to learn more about how implicit bias affects them personally. The office published an annual report on Race and Prosecution as well as offering other training for its staff.


Collateral Consequences 
Mr. Kwok then introduced “Collateral Consequences,” which are consequences outside of the criminal court system triggered by a criminal conviction. These consequences can affect an individual's immigration status, job status, licensing, and other things. While the actual punishment of a crime may be the same, collateral consequences may differ significantly among individuals due to his or her personal circumstances. For instance, getting an expensive traffic ticket may affect a truck driver more than a wealthy person driving a Mercedes Benz. Mr. Kwok provided an example of this concept. In Taiwan, a driver leaving the scene of a traffic accident may lead to a one to three months suspension of the driver's license of the person. If this occurred to a person while driving his or her own private car and he or she just happens to be a “taxi driver”, then this suspension may cause the taxi driver to lose his or her job. This job loss may affect this taxi driver's ability to pay rent or feed the family. The impact of this collateral consequence, suspension of the driving privilege, would affect this taxi driver significantly more than someone who doesn't need to drive as part of his or her job. In this situation, “losing their job” is a collateral consequence.


Addressing Collateral Consequences
Santa Clara County DA's Office prosecutors may consider collateral consequences as part of exercising their prosecutorial duties. However, before a prosecutor considers a collateral consequence, the defense is required to identify the collateral consequence and demonstrate how the defendant may be affected by the collateral consequence. The prosecutor would then consider the crime, the victim's position and discuss with the managerial staff of the DA's Office to see whether the demonstrated collateral consequence is something appropriate to consider as part of the plea-bargaining process. If the prosecutor decides to consider the collateral consequence, then the prosecutor may mitigate the collateral consequence by giving a similar but not identical charge, a stronger punishment with a different charge, a combination of jail and non-jail sentences, or a modification of the wordings in the charge.


受訪者:Huck Yang 博士/亞馬遜公司科學家


Interviewee: Dr. Huck Yang, Amazon Applied Scientist ll)








  以下節錄「寫作十大重點」的第十章節「AI 輔助寫作的助力與阻力」,完整內容請至臺大寫作教學中心網頁查看:https://reurl.cc/dD5Zrq



AI 輔助寫作的助力與阻力


AI-Assisted Writing: The Dos and Don'ts




  當前,生成式AI應用工具掀起了一股熱潮,也為許多領域帶來革命式的衝擊,其中最具代表性的就是ChatGPT。自2022年底發布以來,ChatGPT成為史上在最短時間內註冊用戶數突破一億的應用軟體。GPT是「生成式(Generative)預訓練(Pre-trained)轉換器(Transformer)」的縮寫,指的是經由大量數據學習,可生產出新的文字、圖片、影像及聲音內容,而ChatGPT 則是指能夠對話的GPT





使用ChatGPT 常見之問題

  用ChatGPT 撰寫文章,可能出現的問題主要可歸納為:寫作邏輯不順、組織結構疏漏、用字遣詞不妥、銜接連貫薄弱、首尾經營不足五個方面,且無論是中、英文寫作,皆存在著相同的問題。以下分項舉例說明:


1. 寫作邏輯不順


  我們可以從兩個方面詳細說明ChatGPT 出現的與邏輯相關的問題:


(1) 論證缺陷

  例如對ChatGPT下達的提示為:write a 5-paragraph essay to compare and contrast obsession and determination,得到以下的結果:

Obsession and determination are two closely related concepts that share similarities in terms of their intensity and focus, but they also have significant differences that set them apart. Both terms involve a strong commitment to achieving a goal or a desired outcome, but the way in which one approaches the pursuit of that goal is what separates these two concepts.

Obsession is characterized by an intense, all-consuming focus on a particular goal or outcome. People who are obsessed with something often experience a sense of urgency and a feeling that they must achieve their goal at all costs. This can sometimes lead to negative consequences, such as neglecting other aspects of their life, becoming socially isolated, or experiencing burnout. In contrast, determination is characterized by a persistent and unwavering commitment to a goal, without necessarily becoming completely consumed by it.

以上內容是ChatGPT給的五段文章中的前兩段,以這篇文章的主旨句 (Both terms involve a strong commitment to, but the way in which one approaches the pursuit ) 來看,這篇比較對照的文章中,應該會先討論癡迷與決心的共同點,然後才會比較不同之處。可是在接下來的內文段落中,卻跳過討論「相同點」,而直接論述何謂癡迷,明顯違反論證的邏輯。


(2) 論點重複

  ChatGPT經常可見文章內容論點重複的問題,多不勝數,茲舉一例說明。例如當我們下達的提示為:write a 5 paragraph essay about the causes of depression in college時,ChatGPT 給出以下的回應:

Understanding the Causes of Depression in College Student

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can significantly affect one's quality of life. College students are particularly vulnerable to depression due to a range of factors unique to their situation. In this essay, we will explore some of the causes of depression in college.

One of the leading causes of depression in college is stress. College students experience high levels of stress due to the pressure of academics, financial obligations, social life, and future career prospects. This stress can trigger depressive symptoms in susceptible individuals, leading to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.

Another significant cause of depression in college is social isolation. Many students leave their homes and social support systems to attend college, which can be a daunting and isolating experience. Coupled with the stress of academics and financial burdens, this isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness, contributing to the development of depression.





2. 組織結構疏漏



(1) 提示詞將影響文章內容呈現的精準度



I want you to act as a graduate student writing an academic essay about the similarities and differences between obsession and determination. In the first paragraph, give an interesting opening an explicit thesis statement. In the second paragraph, give the definitions of both terms from dictionaries or journal papers. In the third paragraph, write the similarities between the two. In the fourth paragraph, write the differences between the two. In both paragraphs three and four, you need to use published papers to support the arguments and use examples to illustrate the ideas. All the citations need to be in APA style. In the fifth paragraph, write a concluding sentence to summarize the essay and closure which provides suggestions about how to be determined not obsessive.

Despite their differences, obsession and determination share similarities in terms of their high degree of focus and perseverance. Both involve a strong commitment to achieving a goal, despite the challenges and setbacks that may arise. For example, athletes who set specific goals and work tirelessly to achieve them exhibit determination, while individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) demonstrate obsessive behavior (Wertz et al., 2019; Grisham et al., 2016).


I want you to act as a graduate student and write a 70-word academic paragraph about the similarities between obsession and determination. You need to use published papers to support the arguments and use examples to illustrate the ideas. All the citations need to be in APA style.

Obsession and determination share similarities in terms of their high degree of focus and perseverance. For example, athletes who set specific goals and work tirelessly to achieve them exhibit determination, while individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) demonstrate obsessive behavior (Wertz et al., 2019; Grisham et al., 2016). Furthermore, both obsession and determination involve a degree of self-control and discipline, as individuals must overcome internal and external obstacles to achieve their goals (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). These similarities suggest that individuals may need to be mindful of their motivations and behaviors to ensure a healthy pursuit of their goals.

從以上提示1與提示2給出的文章內容來看,雖然提示1的提示較為詳細,但以結果來看,提示2的效果比較好。在提示1中,雖然有要求在第三段與第四段要舉例說明,但ChatGPT實際提供的文章,只有第四段有提供例子,而且在提供例子後,段落並沒有完整的結論句。而提示2的提示比較短,所產生出來的段落架構比較完整,除了有主題句、支持論點與例子以外,還有完整的結語句 (These similarities suggest that)


() 僅有主張,缺乏證據支持


Another difference between obsession and determination is the extent to which they are rooted in external factors versus internal ones. Obsession often stems from external pressures or societal expectations, such as the desire to achieve a certain level of success or recognition. Determination, on the other hand, is often driven by internal motivation, such as a personal sense of purpose or a desire to achieve something for oneself.




() 假造不存在的文獻資料



write a 5-paragraph essay to compare and contrast obsession and determination, include at least 3 supportive data like published papers or reports to support the arguments, and use APA citing and referencing style


Determination, on the other hand, is characterized by a persistent and unwavering commitment to a goal. A study by Duckworth et al. (2019) found that individuals with high levels of determination exhibited greater self-control and were more likely to persevere in the face of obstacles. This persistence is also associated with higher levels of emotional well-being (Cheung & Tsai, 2017). However, determination alone may not be enough to achieve success, as it must be paired with adaptability and creativity to respond to changing circumstances (Mumford et al., 2018).

在以上的段落中,(Cheung & Tsai, 2017) 這份資料其實是不存在的,若貿然使用將有違反學術倫理之虞。





() 引用格式有誤





3. 用字遣詞不妥


  至於中文寫作,由於目前ChatGPT 的資料訓練大多來自簡體資料,因此它的回應可能會出現用字遣詞與繁體中文使用者的表達習慣相異的情形,這也是使用時需要留意的一點。例如:












4. 銜接連貫薄弱



I want you to act as a college student writing an academic essay about the similarities and differences between obsession and determination. In the first paragraph, give an interesting opening and an explicit thesis statement. In the second paragraph, give the definitions of both terms from dictionaries or journal papers. In the third paragraph, write the similarities between the two. In the fourth paragraph, write the differences between the two. In paragraphs three and four, you need to use published papers to support the arguments and use examples to illustrate the ideas. All the citations need to be in APA style. In the fifth paragraph, write a concluding sentence to summarize the essay and a closure that provides suggestions about how to be determined instead of being obsessive.


Obsession and determination are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, yet they differ significantly in their nature and effects. Obsession refers to a persistent, disturbing preoccupation with an idea or feeling, whereas determination is a firm or fixed intention to achieve a desired outcome. This essay aims to compare and contrast obsession and determination, highlighting their similarities and differences, and to provide insights into how to be determined without being obsessive.

(Paragraph 2: Definitions) According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, ……

Despite their differences, obsession and determination share similarities in terms of their high degree of focus and perseverance. Both involve a strong commitment to achieving a goal, ……. For example, athletes who set specific goals and work tirelessly to achieve them exhibit determination, while individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) demonstrate obsessive behavior (Wertz et al., 2019; Grisham et al., 2016).

However, obsession and determination differ in their underlying motivations and outcomes. Obsession can be detrimental to one's mental health and well-being, while determination……

在第三段中,一開始的文句Despite their differences.,obsession and determination share similarities.從這句來看,這個段落先用despite來與前一段落銜接。然後這段文字要討論obsession determination的相似之處。 然而,這篇文章的前面兩段,並沒有討論obsession determination的相異處。所以這樣的段落銜接其實與前面段落是不連貫的。此外,段落中在提供了一個例子 (For example,  athletes who) 之後,並沒有任何的說明,亦無與本段主要論點相互呼應就草草結束。



5. 首尾經營不足

  ChatGPT的回應較不善於經營文章的開場與結尾,或者突然提出主張,或者缺乏結論,戛然而止,讀來均使人感到突兀、生硬。另外,在結論的段落,也不宜出現先前未曾提過的論點,以前面曾提及的The Negative Effects of Fast Fashion一文為例:

In conclusion, fast fashion has significant negative effects on the environment, workers, and consumers. The trend towards fast fashion has led to overconsumption, waste, pollution, and exploitation. To address these negative impacts, consumers can choose to buy sustainably produced clothing, recycle their clothing items, and reduce their overall consumption. Additionally, governments can implement regulations to ensure that fast fashion companies adhere to higher labor and environmental standards, promoting a more sustainable and ethical clothing industry.




1. 經廣泛討論或論述材料較為充足的主題較適用

  若要利用ChatGPT輔助寫作,建議選擇已具有豐富資料內容或研究成果的議題。至於較新穎的議題,可能因缺乏相關資料及未經廣泛討論,較難獲得實用、精確的寫作建議。這是因為ChatGPT採用的是大型語言資料庫的資料,因此若資料量不夠,產出的內容就會有問題。另外,它所倚賴的也並非是隨時更新的資料庫,因此若要討論較新的議題,ChatGPT可能就無法提供相關資料了。 例如,當我們詢問:「後疫情時代,人類的社會將產生什麼樣重大的改變?」ChatGPT僅能夠簡略回答出:健康意識增強、數位化程度加強、旅遊業變革、工作方式改變、社會結構變化五點,並各以兩行文字簡略說明。回應的最後則說:「疫情期間的變革可能會對人類社會產生深遠的影響,但這些影響的具體方向和程度還需要時間來證明。」由此可見,針對較新穎的議題,不建議直接問關於這個新的議題的具體內容如何,而是建議要把相關議題與議題背後可能涉及的理論、原理分開提問,之後再將ChatGPT的回應加以分析、比較。

2. 單次提示越清楚越好


write a 5-paragraph essay to compare and contrast obsession and determination, include at least 3 supportive data like published papers or reports to support the arguments, and use APA citing and referencing style

相較於僅下達寬泛的write a 5-paragraph essay to compare and contrast obsession and determination提示來說,ChatGPT給出的回應將會更為精準。再者,我們還可以比較下列的兩個例子:

Prompt 1:

I want you to act as a student writing an academic essay about the similarities and differences between obsession and determination. In the first paragraph, give an interesting opening and an explicit thesis statement. In the second paragraph, give the definitions of both terms from dictionaries or journal papers. In the third paragraph, write the similarities between the two. In the fourth paragraph, write the differences between the two. In paragraphs three and four, you need to use published papers to support the arguments and use examples to illustrate the ideas. All the citations need to be in APA style. In the fifth paragraph, write a concluding sentence to summarize the essay and closure which provides suggestions about how to be determined instead of being obsessive.

(Introduction Paragraph) Obsession and determination are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, yet they differ significantly in their nature and effects. While both involve a high degree of focus and perseverance, they differ in their underlying motivations and outcomes. This essay aims to compare and contrast obsession and determination, highlighting their similarities and differences, and to provide insights into how to be determined without being obsessive.

Prompt 2:

I want you to act as a student writing an academic essay about the similarities and differences between obsession and determination. In the first paragraph, start the argument with interesting statistic as the opening and then give an explicit thesis statement. In the second paragraph, give the definitions of both terms from dictionaries or journal papers. In the third paragraph, write the similarities between the two. In the fourth paragraph, write the differences between the two. In both paragraphs three and four, you need to use published papers to support the arguments and use examples to illustrate the ideas. All the citations need to be in APA style. In the conclusion paragraph, start with a concluding sentence first to summarize the essay. End the conclusion paragraph with suggestions from a psychology paper about how to be determined instead of being obsessive and an indication of the significance of the essay.

(Introduction Paragraph) According to a study by the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences mental illness in a given year. Among the challenges faced by individuals with mental illness is the tension between the desire to succeed and the risk of developing an unhealthy obsession with success. Obsession and determination are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, yet they differ significantly in their nature and effects. The importance of understanding these two concepts lies in the fact that being determined can lead to achieving goals and life satisfaction, while being obsessive can be harmful to mental health and lead to negative consequences. This essay aims to compare and contrast obsession and determination, highlighting their similarities and differences, and to provide insights into how to be determined without being obsessive.

(Conclusion Paragraph) In conclusion, understanding the difference between obsession and determination is essential for achieving success and well-being. While they share similarities in their high degree of focus and perseverance, they differ significantly in their underlying motivations and outcomes. By setting realistic goals and cultivating a growth mindset, individuals can maintain a healthy sense of determination without becoming obsessive. A study by Caza and colleagues (2018) suggests that cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning in one's work can also promote a healthy balance between determination and obsession. The significance of this essay lies in its contribution to raising awareness about the importance of mental health and balance in achieving success.

從以上的兩個例子可以看出,在缺乏更具體提示的情況下,ChatGPT 傾向於在介紹(主要僅提供 1-2 句主題介紹和論文陳述)和結論(主要僅提供對想法的回顧)中簡短描述而已。如果期望尋求更加引人入勝的開場白,和鼓舞人心的結論,則需要具體的提示。

3. 可分層次下達提示


4. 宜將ChatGPT的回應做為參照版本,而不宜全盤接受


5. 善用不同的AI寫作輔助軟體,找出最佳溝通表達方式


  以上歸納了使用ChatGPT 撰寫文章時常見的問題與補足之道,期盼讀者善用本手冊前九個單元所提示的寫作要點與延伸學習資源,以提高寫作自覺,增進自我編修能力。
