A New Illustrated History of Taiwan 出版
- 作 者:周婉窈(Wan-yao Chou)
- 譯 者:Carole Plackitt、Tim Casey
- 臺 北:南天書局,2015年10月出版,469頁。ISBN: 978-957-638-784-5
- 內容簡介:
The original Chinese edition of A New Illustrated History of Taiwan was the first book on Taiwanese history for general readers to be published after the lifting of martial law in 1987. It first appeared in 1997, followed by two revised and expanded editions. Beginning with the prehistory of Taiwan and ending in the early 1990s, the book covers such important topics as the culture and history of Taiwan’s aboriginals, the Dutch VOC period, Koxinga, the immigration of the Han Chinese, Han-aboriginal relations, Japanese colonial rule, post-war KMT rule, and Taiwan’s long struggle for freedom and democracy.
In most of the world, school children study the history of their countries in class. In post-war Taiwan this was not the case. Senior high school students did not get a separate textbook for Taiwanese history until 2006; prior to that date it was not studied at all for over half a century and then only as a minor portion of Chinese history. Even today Taiwanese history is studied for fewer hours in school curricula than Chinese history. For many Taiwanese this book was their first opportunity to read about their own history.
A New Illustrated History of Taiwan is grounded in the latest research and presents a variety of perspectives on Taiwan’s history. It also gives special emphasis to cultural life and the arts. These factors and the author’s graceful writing style have deeply engaged readers of the Chinese edition.
A Korean translation of this book (Seoul: Shingu Publishing House, 2003) and a Japanese translation (Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2007; revised edition, 2013) have also been very well received.
- 作者簡介:
Wan-yao Chou is Professor of History at National Taiwan University. She received her BA and MA from NTU and her PhD from Yale. She specializes in the history of Taiwan, aboriginal issues, and the maritime history of East Asia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Her articles cover a wide range of topics and her two books written for general readers have been well received at home and abroad.
- 譯者簡介:
Carole Plackitt is a translator from Northern Ireland. She studied Chinese at SOAS, London, and received an MA in Interpreting and Translating from the University of Bath. She has lived in Tainan, Lorient, and rural Portugal. Her special translation interests for Chinese are Taiwan and Buddhism.
Tim Casey received BAs from the Universities of Michigan and California and an MA from San Francisco State University. He has taught English language and literature at National Taiwan University since 1980. In recent years he has become increasingly involved in editing and translation. (以上輯自封面折口)
- 周婉窈教授繼《臺灣歷史圖說》、《少年臺灣史》後的最新著作,本書文字以中文版《臺灣歷史圖說》為主,全書圖片與影像經作者悉心篩選,以完全不同的視覺感呈現出更細膩的臺灣史。 臺灣文化的多元性,源自於複雜的歷史背景與時空交雜。以往,臺灣史不易為外國人所體會,本書作者以全新的角度,透過一張張歷史的瞬間與淺顯的文字,期使外國友人理解臺灣過去歷史的脈絡,進而深刻體會臺灣文化多元且豐富的淵源。 (以上輯自南天書局臉書)