第十七期 2010.02.25
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【中心近期活動】 |
【館藏導覽】 |
【好站推介】 |
【原民快訊】 |
14:00 - 15:00 《泰雅千年》 (陳文彬,2007)
16:30 - 17:30 《走過千年》 (比令‧亞布,2009)
18:00 - 19:00 《祖先的腳步》(比令‧亞布,2009)
演講時間:19:00 - 20:00
講者:Pilin Yapu比令‧亞布(臺中縣和平鄉自由國小校長暨原住民影像工作者)
The University of South Pacific, The Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies 南太平洋大學 ─ 大洋洲藝術文化中心
大洋洲藝術文化中心(OCAC)成立於一九九七年是屬於南太平洋大學(USP)委員會的特殊計畫。大學委員會基於關懷文化的保存和發展而在斐濟島的羅卡拉(Laucala)分校創立屬於太平洋文化藝術的課程。大洋洲藝術文化中心是太平洋群島區域中現代大洋洲藝術學院的翹楚,同時也是太平洋區和其他地區推廣藝術中心的楷模。該中心成為國際上研究生做研究的重心所在,兩千零八年美國作家凱薩琳希金斯(Katherine Higgins)還針對大洋洲藝術文化中心的視覺藝術品和藝術家出版了《紅浪》一書。該中心的重大貢獻提高了南太平洋大學在國內外的聲譽。網站可經由不同主題例如:美術陳列館、太平洋區的研究、表演藝術和視覺藝術,去做進一步的瀏覽。
The Oceania Centre for Arts & Culture was established in 1997 as a special project of the University of South Pacific Council. Concern with cultural conservation and development underlies the Council’s decision for the creation of a Pacific arts and culture programme at the Laucala Campus in Fiji. The Oceania Centre for Arts and Culture has emerged as the leading contemporary Oceanic art institution in the Pacific Islands region, and a recognized model for the development of art centers in the Pacific and beyond. It has been the focus of research by international postgraduate students and a book on the OCAC visual arts and artists—Red Wave, by American Katherine Higgins—was published in 2008. The Centre has contributed significantly to the enhancement of the USP profile at home and abroad. Through different subjects as Gallery, Pacific Study, Performing Arts & Visual Arts to explore more on the website.
The CNMI Guide – Your Guide to Saipan, Tinian and Rota北馬里亞納群島聯邦政府導覽 - 塞班島、提尼恩島和羅它島旅遊資訊
北馬里亞納群島聯邦政府(The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)在西太平洋上,由十四個火山島所組成,從南到北綿延375里,土地總面積約181平方里。主要適合人住的島嶼有三個,可是人口多集中在塞班島。從群島歷史的變遷中可看出不同文化所帶來的影響,一般來說西班牙人給群島帶來了基督教的信仰,德國人造就製乾椰子肉商機,日本人帶進農工業的發展,最後是美國人帶來自治政府的觀念。網站除了連結所有觀光須知以外,還分四大主題區: 群島地理資訊、歷史變遷、美麗風景照和塞班島的虛擬旅遊。
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) forms a chain of 14 volcanic islands in the western Pacific. They are stretching over 375 miles north to south, with a land area of 181 square miles. There are three major inhabited islands, but most live on Saipan. The history of CNMI can tell different cultural influence on each period. It has been said that the Spanish brought Christianity to the islands; the Germans - copra commerce; the Japanese agricultural and industrial development and the Americans the concept of self government. In addition to all the touring information, there are four different subjects under this web site which includes: Islands information, CNMI History, Islands Photo Gallery and Saipan Virtual Tour.
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