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由Alexander Street 出版社所製作Classical Music Library《亞歷山大-古典音樂圖書館》,其主題範疇涵蓋古典音樂之所有類目,共收錄超過90,000首 (tracks)的音樂曲目、包含1,900 位作曲家(Composers)、620篇傳記 (Biographies) 5,300 篇樂曲解說(Programme notes)、12,200幅音樂家畫像(Composer images)等豐富的音樂資料。 Classical Music Library可提供線上隨選查詢、聆聽90,000首(tracks)以上合法授權之古典音樂曲目。授權來源包括 EMI, Sanctuary Classics, Hyperion, The Sixteen,The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, CRD, The London Symphony Orchestra, H鄚ssler, Vox等三十四家國際著名唱片品牌。在主題下亦可連結至Grove Music Online的全文。 本館訂購網路5人版,提醒全校師生若不使用時,請關閉IE瀏覽器,以利其它讀者使用。 |
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如有任何問題或建議,請洽圖書館推廣服務組,Tel: 02-33662326,Email: tul@ntu.edu.tw。 | |
Now Available |
Brief Description: Classical Music Library is a fully searchable classical music resource—a comprehensive database of distinguished classical recordings. It includes tens of thousands of licensed recordings that users can listen to over the Internet. The audio selections are cross-referenced to a database of supplementary reference information. Users browse, search, click, and then listen to the music through their headphones. The music moves from Medieval to contemporary, from choral works to symphonies, operas, and the avant-garde. We’ve licensed multiple versions of works to enable comparative listening by students—a major bonus for academics. Users can listen and learn at any time from any computer, while simultaneously searching and browsing the reference database. If your library subscribes to online reference works such as Grove’s and Wilson’s, Classical Music Library will link to them as well...(Please refer to the web pages to get the more detail information about Classical Music Library.) Only 5 concurrent users are available! Please close the IE browser after use! |
-------------------------------------------- 1. Please go to library's homepage → click on "Databases" under "E-Resources"→ search or browse the database by subjects 2. Access to the databases is restricted by IP address inside NTU campus network. (140.112.*.*) Remote access available for valid users. 3. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases. |
Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at (02)33662326 or email: tul@ntu.edu.tw |