1. 台灣營養學雜誌第32卷第3期 已出刊!
專業會員常年會費$800元 永久會員$16000元 學生會員$500元
郵政劃撥帳號:01049001 戶名:台灣營養學會
3. 國際活動訊息:Call for Abstracts for International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition
You are cordially invited to submit abstracts for short oral and poster presentations for the 5th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. Primary consideration will be given to abstracts reporting original research. Consideration will also be given to reports on education, policy, or programs of relevance to vegetarian nutrition.
For complete information and online abstract submission instructions, please visit the Congress Web site at www.VegetarianNutrition.org.
October 30, 2007
Early deadline for short oral presentations
December 3, 2007
Final deadline
International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition
March 4-6, 2008
Loma Linda University