
資料庫試用(Database on Trial):Defining Gender, 1450-1910, Online


本資料庫收錄1450-1910間在牛津大學總圖書館 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)中,與性別研究相關之珍貴手稿及印刷品之原始文件影像,區分為5個部分(Section I~V),各部分皆收錄約10,000頁清晰的原始文件影像,內容包含以下部份:


  1. 內容著重於手稿、期刊及未出版的印刷品原件。
  2. 精選導讀文章:由性別研究專家所撰寫之18篇導讀文章,介紹資料庫所收錄之內容、說明文獻的相關歷史及文化背景,並建議可能的研究方向,可直接應用於課程中。
  3. 高品質的關鍵字索引:讀者可依文獻標題、主題、人名、組織名或日期等等,進行關鍵字查詢,並直接連結至手稿頁面。
  4. 可檢索相關微縮片標題。




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Database on Trial:Defining Gender, 1450-1910, Online

Defining Gender provides access to a vast body of original source material that will enrich the teaching and research experience of those studying history, literature, sociology and education from a gendered perspective. It offers:

  • Eighteen contextual essays by leading scholars from Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA, which introduce the major themes of the project and provide direct hypertext links to the sources.
    Complete collections of documents from over 15 libraries.
  • A wide range of original sources including ephemera, pamphlets, commonplace books, diaries, periodicals, letters, ledgers, manuscript journals, poetry, receipt books and conduct and advice literature.

Key topics covered are:

  • Conduct and Politeness
  • Domesticity & the Family
  • Consumption & Leisure
  • Education & Sensibility
  • The Body

* Please note that the ‘download entire document in PDF’ option is not available during four-week trials.

Trial Date:From now to 10/19/2007

How to use:

Please go to NTU Library's homepage click on "Databases" under "E-Resources" click on "Databases on Trial"search or browse the database by subjects.? Please use these trial databases in NTU Network (IP Range 140.112.*.*) and remember to click "logout" after using these databases. Please follow the regulations of publisher's license agreements for the use of databases.

Questions or suggestions? Please contact us at (02)33662326 or email: tul@ntu.edu.tw
