


Switzerland is famous for its love of peace.

Can you imagine why on earth the Swiss would “invade” a neighboring country no bigger than Washington D. C.?

The possible reasons are darkness and bad teeth. Doesn’t make sense to you at all? Try to find out!

Are the famous Swiss Army knives enough to counquer a country?


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The Cambridge IELTS Preparation Books

話說大約二十六期之前老編曾介紹過一本準備IELTSEssential Practice Tests,然而想必當同學來到視聽館,就會發現IELTS教材可不只那一本~還算新上任的小編效法老編的精神,再度來個千山萬水辛苦跋涉,到視聽館302資料室研究了Cambridge University Press歷年來出的四套IELTS準備課程,幫大家比較分析一番,以利諸位看官根據自己的需要選擇教材,將來打敗IELTS無往不利啊~ 所以到底這本跟那本有什麼不一樣啦!?



The Swiss Surprise Invasion


Lennon: Ah, it’s happening again. Read this, “Fresh fighting breaks out in Gaza.” Everyday when I read the BBC news, I am bound to find some country in war. Why can’t everyone be neutral like the Swiss?

McCartney: You know, the Swiss army just invaded a neighboring country a few months ago.

Lennon: Are you kidding me! Have you ever seen the flamboyant Swiss guards in the Vatican? Do they look ferocious to you?

McCartney: Ha, I remember thinking that they are more like clowns than guards in those uniforms.

Lennon: Hey, be more respectful. That uniform is a symbol of the Swiss guards' long-standing tradition of loyalty and discipline. I am just saying that the they don't look particularly threatening to me. Besides, do you mean they invade someone with their teeny-weeny Swiss Army knife? Which tool do you think they use to cross the border, the bottle opener or the screw driver?

McCartney: Well, neither. The invasion was an accident.

Lennon: An accident? How can you “accidentally” invade someone?

McCartney: 170 Swiss infantrymen got lost in their routine training and wandered over the unmarked border between Switzerland and Liechtenstein. They marched into Liechtenstein for two miles before they realized their mistake and turned back. According to one of the infantrymen, it was too dark that night.

Lennon: Uh. They got lost? With all their fine watches and delicate machineries, I thought the Swiss are supposed to be famous for their precision!

McCartney: Yeah, maybe they should include a GPS tool in their multi-functional knives.

Lennon: That’s really embarrassing. Did the government of Lie… whatsitsname want retaliation?

McCartney: Liechtenstein. You mean whether they also want to wander into Switzerland someday? Well, no. They made light of the whole thing. Their spokesman said “it’s not like they invaded with attack helicopter.”

Lennon: I guess it would be less like an accident if a helicopter is involved. But really, who would want to invade a country you cannot even name?

McCartney: You are the one who cannot name it. Maybe its name is too sophisticated for you. As for why anyone would want to invade Liechtenstein..., as far as I know, a third of the world’s fake teeth are produced in Liechtenstein.

Lennon: Hmm.... The Swiss surely produce very good chocolates and perhaps very bad teeth…. Bah, if the peace-loving Swiss start to invade people for fake teeth, I am immigrating out of the earth today.



be bound to (ph) 一定;注定
infantrymen (n) 步兵
neutral (adj) 中立
Liechtenstein (n) 列支敦士坦
invade (v) 侵略
precision (n) 精確
flamboyant (adj) 艷麗;花俏;浮誇
whatsitsname (n) 那個叫什麼的
Vatican (n) 教廷;梵帝岡
(what’s its name 的口語連唸)
ferocious (adj) 兇猛
retaliation (n) 報復
clown (n) 小丑
make light of (ph) 對…不在乎
teeny-weeny (adj) 很小的;小不拉嘰
sophisticated (adj) 世故的; 精緻的
border (n) 邊境
attack helicopter (n) 攻擊直昇機
screw driver (n) 螺絲起子



BBC:Swiss in Liechtenstein 'invasion'

ABC:Whoops! Swiss Accidentally Invade Liechtenstein

Guardian:Liechtenstein: no retaliation for Swiss "invasion"


English Freeway


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