The Second Expert Report Launch
The Second Expert Report Launch
Conference: November 1 & 2, 2007
WCRF/AICR releases and discusses its landmark second expert report on cancer prevention
November 1-2, 2007
The Royal Society
London, UK
In a process that has taken five years, an expert panel of 21 renowned scientists from around the world has reviewed and assessed the body of research on the relationship between food, nutrition (including obesity), physical activity and cancer risk. The expert panel has drawn conclusions based on this evidence and developed 10 health recommendations for the prevention of cancer. This is your opportunity to learn first-hand about these recommendations from members of the panel who were responsible for the content of the report.
Panel members and leading researchers in the field will reveal the findings of the second expert report to the audience at a two-day launch conference. They will discuss the recommendations as well as the human and mechanistic evidence behind them. In the concluding session, the implications for future research directions, as well as the relationship between science and policy initiatives, will also be discussed.
Who Should Attend
Special Features
You will have direct contact with members of the panel, observer organisations and research teams involved in developing Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective.
You will receive a complimentary copy of the second expert report, which will be released for the first time at the conference.
You will receive a free copy of a CD containing the systematic literature reviews behind the second expert report.
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective
In the years following 1997, the First Expert Report inspired a surge in research on food, nutrition, physical activity and cancer risk. As a result, WCRF/AICR set itself a bold objective: to systematically review and assess the total body of scientifi c literature in this area.
The scope of this project and the process involved was unique. Firstly, a task force established a uniform and rigorous methodology for identifying and collecting the relevant evidence.
Secondly, WCRF/AICR engaged independent research teams from nine universities and research centres around the world to conduct 20 systematic literature reviews (SLRs). They looked at 17 cancer sites, cancer survivorship, determinants of obesity, and reports on other diseases. Finally, an independent expert panel of 21 world-renowned scientists worked on the report for fi ve years.
It reviewed and assessed the evidence gathered by the SLRs, drew conclusions and formulated evidence-based recommendations for preventing cancer, as well as recommendations for future directions in research.
On 1st and 2nd November 2007, the results of this process will be released to attendees at conferences in Washington, London and Hong Kong.
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective will set the agenda and mark the way forward for researchers, educators, practitioners and policymakers working in nutrition, physical activity, and overweight and obesity in cancer prevention for years to come.
Conference Schedule
Thursday, November 1, 2007
08:30 - Coffee and Registration
9:00 - Conference Opening and Welcome
Marilyn Gentry, Founder and President,
WCRF Global Network
9:15 - KEYNOTE: Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Chair, Expert Panel
Importance of the Second Expert Report to the Scientific Community
09:45 - Diet and Cancer Research: A Historical Perspective
Dr. Laurence Kolonel, University of Hawaii
10:45 - Break
11:15 - Patterns of Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity across the Life Course
Professor Alan Jackson, University of Southampton
Recommendations for Cancer Prevention
12:00 - Plant Foods
Dr Laurence Kolonel, University of Hawaii
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Animal Foods
Professor Elio Riboli, Imperial College London
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
15:00 - Break
15:30 - Alcoholic Drinks
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, University College London
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
16:30 - Preservation, Processing and Preparation
Professor David Shuker, The Open University
Future Directions: Professor Claus Leitzmann, Justus Liebig University
17:00 - End
Friday, November 2, 2007
Recommendations for Cancer Prevention (continued)
08:30 - Coffee
09:00 - Body Fatness
Professor Tim Byers, University of Colorado
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
10:00 - Foods and Drinks that Promote Weight Gain
Professor Jacob Seidell, Free University Amsterdam
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
11:00 - Break
11:30 - Physical Activity
Professor Elio Riboli, Imperial College London
Future Directions: Professor Ken Fox,
University of Bristol
12:30 - Breastfeeding
Professor Alan Jackson, University of Southampton
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Dietary Supplements
Professor Hilary Powers, University of Sheffield
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
14:45 - Cancer Survivors
Professor Tim Byers, University of Colorado
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
15:15 - Break
15:45 - Future Directions for Research
Dr Laurence Kolonel, University of Hawaii
Future Directions: Speaker TBC
16:15 - Summary and Policy Implications
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, University College London
17:00 - End
Expert Panel
The following are members of the Expert Panel assembled by the World Cancer Research
Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research to produce the report Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective.
Sir Michael Marmot, PhD, FRCP, FFPHM (Chair)
University College, London
London, United Kingdom
Tola Atinmo, PhD
University of Ibadan
Ibadan, Nigeria
Tim Byers, MD, MPH
University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center
Denver, CO, United States
Junshi Chen, MD
Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Beijing, China
Tomio Hirohata, MD, DrScHyg
Kyushu University
Fukuoka City, Japan
Alan Jackson, MD, FRCP, FRCPath
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom
W. Philip T. James, MD, DrSc, FRCP
International Obesity Task Force
London, United Kingdom
Laurence N. Kolonel, MD, PhD
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI, United States
Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Claus Leitzmann, PhD
Institute of Nutrition Science,
Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Germany
Jim Mann, DM, PhD, FRACP
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Hilary J. Powers, PhD
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
K. Srinath Reddy, MD, DM
Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi, India
Elio Riboli, MD, MPH
Imperial College, Faculty of
London, United Kingdom
Juan A. Rivera, PhD
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica
Cuernavaca, Mexico
Arthur Schatzkin, MD, DrPH
National Cancer Institute
Bethesda, MD, United States
Jacob C. Seidell, PhD
Institute for Health Sciences, Free University Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
David E. G. Shuker, PhD, FRSC
The Open University
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Ricardo Uauy, MD, PhD
Instituto de Nutrición y Technológia de los Alimentos
Santiago, Chile
Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA, United States
Steven H. Zeisel, MD, PhD
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Mechanisms Working Group
John Milner, PhD (Chair)
National Cancer Institute
Bethesda, MD, USA
Methodology Task Force
Jos Kleijnen MD PhD
Kleijnen Systematic Reviews Ltd
York, United Kingdom
Gillian Reeves PhD
Oxford University,
United Kingdom
Observer Organizations
Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS)
Conference Venue
The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG
Please note: accommodation is not included in your registration package. Visit the following website for details of a booking agency that arranges special rates at selected hotels for those attending this conference. They will be pleased to suggest other hotels if none of those listed meets your needs. Contact Inntel on 0845 0920 424 or email
Alternatively, you can visit for a list of hotels situated near the venue.
WCRF/AICR Launch Conference Secretariat
For all other queries relating to the conference programme or registration, please telephone 020 7343 4205, email or visit our website at for ongoing programme information.
Register To Attend
Register Online Now!
£150.00 - until 5 October 2007, £200.00 thereafter
Location & Hotel Reservations
November 1 & 2, 2007
The Royal Society
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
United Kingdom
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