
::: NTU BEATS :::

A Lifetime Devoted to Hepatitis Research: Prof. Pei-Jer Chen’s Commitment Beyond Retirement

Pointing to a framed photograph on the wall, Prof. Pei-Jer Chen fondly recalls that moment in 2006 when he was elected as an Academician of Academia Sinica, standing beside his esteemed mentors, Prof. Juei-Low Sung and Ding-Shinn Chen. This photograph not only symbolizes three generations of mentorship but also testifies to the lifelong dedication of three eminent hepatitis researchers. Like his beloved mentor, Prof. Ding-Shinn Chen, Prof. Pei-Jer Chen has received the 2025 Baruch S. Blumberg Prize—the highest honor awarded by the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF) in the United States.

Prof. Pei-Jer Chen Awarded the 2025 Baruch S. Blumberg Prize for Outstanding Contributions to Hepatitis Research

Prof. Pei-Jer Chen of National Taiwan University’s College of Medicine has been awarded the prestigious 2025 Baruch S. Blumberg Prize by the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF) for his outstanding contributions to the study and treatment of hepatitis. This international honor not only affirms Prof. Chen’s leadership in hepatitis research but also testifies to Taiwan’s significant role in global medical advancements.

Towards a Sustainable Future:

NTU Hosts Exchange Forum with Kyoto U & Hamberg U

National Taiwan University (NTU) hosted the Tri-Party Forum, inviting Kyoto University (Japan) and Hamburg University (Germany) to join in discussions on cross-national cooperation for a sustainable future, during November 18-19, 2024. The forum explored its theme of building “Next Generation Partnership Through Multi-Dimensional Cooperation Approaches—Towards a Sustainable Future,” and discussed such topics as renewable energy, environmental studies, social welfare, healthcare management, and disaster prevention. Nearly 100 faculty and students attended the forum.

Political Science Alumni Win MOE Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award

Yonsei U ME Faculty Visit NTU

The Largest Genetic Study of Bipolar Disorder Identifies Genes That Likely Increase the Risk for the Condition

Global Study Identifies Genes for Depression Across Ethnicities

Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Track Density in S2S Reforecast: A NTU Collaborative Study with Significant Implications

James Webb Space Telescope Unveils the Mysteries of “Silent Galaxies”: Why Did They Stop Growing?

NTU ZERO Team Launches Innovative Zero-Emission Technologies

Increasing Public Understanding of Science: Life Science College Hosts 3MT Finale

Since its inception in 2012, the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition in Life Sciences has aimed to increase public understanding of scientific research. In 2024, the event was jointly organized by the Life Science Research Promotion Center, National Chung Hsing University, National Cheng Kung University, and the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences at Academia Sinica. Following preliminary rounds held across northern, central, and southern Taiwan, the grand finale, hosted by NTU’s College of Life Science, was held on October 26, 2024.

NTU "King Sailor" Joins Enthusiasts to Explore the World

D-Night at D-School: Students, Alumni Engage in Energizing Exchange

The D-School at National Taiwan University (NTU) departed from the traditional practice of posting course results by hosting D-Night at the Excellence Research Building. “The spirit of D-School is about having fun. From D-Day to D-Night, everyone here is a pioneer,” declared D-School Vice Dean Sheng-Lin Chang in his warm welcome remarks at the opening of D-Night.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative Launched on Zhubei Campus

NTU Chairs Sustainable Development Forum

NTU Hub & Store Opens at NTU’s New Moon Pavilion ─ A New Landmark Connecting Faculty, Students, Alumni, and the Community

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