試用資料庫: 泰晤士報世界地圖集
《泰晤士報世界地圖集》(The Times Atlas of the World) 在全球地理和地圖學領域享有極高知名度與權威性,為有公信力的國際標準。自1895年首次出版以來,即被視為世上最詳實和精確的地圖集之一,並以其精湛的製圖技術和詳細的地理資料而聞名。該地圖集涵蓋了世界各地的地理變遷,包括政治疆界的演變、自然環境的改變等,因此被全球圖書館、學術研究機構廣泛使用。。
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1. Description
The Times Atlas of the World is highly regarded and authoritative in the fields of global geography and cartography, serving as a credible international standard. Since its first publication in 1895, it has been considered one of the most detailed and accurate atlases in existence, renowned for its exquisite cartographic techniques and comprehensive geographical data. The atlas covers geographic changes around the world, including shifts in political boundaries and natural environments, making it widely used in libraries and academic research institutions globally.
Trial access: until 2024.12.12
2. Accessing the database
(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
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Published: 2024.11.12