試用資料庫: 漢語辭典總匯
1. 請從本館網頁點選「研究資源」→「電子資源」→「資料庫」→「試用資料庫」→ 點選欲查詢的資料庫名稱。若於校外,請先設定校外連線VPN。
2. 使用時請務必遵守出版社使用規範及版權聲明,以免觸法,並影響全校讀者之使用權益。
歡迎全校師生上網試用,對試用資料庫如有任何問題與建議,請填寫試用資料庫意見調查表,或洽詢圖書館 Tel: 02-3366-2326; E-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw
Database trial : The Chinese Dictionary Compendium
1. Description:
With more than 120 volumes and databases, the Chinese Dictionary Compendium houses the largest collection of dictionaries and reference works in modern and traditional Chinese. This includes a revised and extended digital edition of the most important Chinese dictionary, the Hanyu Da Cidian (Diyiban + Dingbu) 漢語大詞典(第一版+訂補). Additionally, it contains one of the most comprehensive datasets of Chinese characters available on the Internet. The wealth of resources and accessibility offered by the Compendium make it a companion for study and scholarly work in Chinese Studies. It also serves as a reference for Chinese language learners and enthusiasts of Chinese literature and history.
Trial access: until 2024.11.30
2. Accessing the database
(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements.
NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at (02)33662326 or e-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw
Published: 2024.11.05