試用資料庫: Wiley Digital Archives
Wiley Digital Archives對具影響力的學術機構、學會及大學檔案進行修復、數位化和編目,本次試用5種Archives:
1. 紐約科學院:收錄紐約科學院200 多年的研究成果,涵蓋年份從1801年至2013年,典藏內容包括納塔妮-洛德-布里頓(Nathanie Lord Britton) 文件、220 份關於港口工程和工業污染影響的記錄,與來自 1914-1946 年學會在波多黎各和維京群島 30 年的科學調查,資料類型包括實地筆記、鄉野調查記錄和地圖等。
2. 皇家人類學學會:典藏內容將近一百萬件,涵蓋年份從1763年至2016年,資料類型包括研究資料、論文、田野工作、圖畫與相片,以及大量先前未經分類的素材。收錄15萬幅民族誌相片的影像圖書館,最早可追溯至1860年代。
3. 皇家地理學會:涵蓋年份從1478年至2010年,收藏超過15萬幅地圖、圖表與地圖集,並輔以地理學家與探險家的手稿、現場筆記、探險報告、剪貼簿、通信、日記、插圖及素描等資料。
4. 英國科學促進學會:涵蓋年份從18 世紀晚期至20世紀,收錄100 多萬頁數位化資料,來自英國 21 個收藏館的 60 萬頁手稿,包括國家資源研究所 (NRI) 資料與英國萊斯特大學提供之數學協會典藏,包含 200 多年來積累的數學教科書收藏。
5. 環境科學史學會:涵蓋年份自18 世紀末至21 世紀初,著眼於環境科學、歷史與人為變遷的重要層面,並且涵蓋來自全球多方來源的獨家珍稀典藏藏品。環境科學與歷史收藏擁有超過一百萬頁的內容,並且包含廣泛主題系列的藏品。
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Database trial : Wiley Digital Archives
1. Description
Wiley Digital Archives is a continuous program of new databases comprised of unique or rare historical primary sources, digitized from leading societies, libraries, and archives around the world, and made accessible in ways that tie directly to research outcomes and educational goals. There are five archives available for trial in Wiley Digital Archives :
l New York Academy of Sciences archive: The digitized collections within this archive contain materials and datasets which are especially valuable to researchers studying the history of science, medical research, environmental studies, world history, and the history of human civil rights.
l Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland archive: This archive contains nearly one million pieces of unique content, including research data, papers, fieldwork, drawings and photographs, and a wealth of previously uncatalogued material.
l Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) archive: This archive contains more than 150,000 maps, charts and atlases complemented by manuscripts, field notes, expedition reports, scrapbooks, correspondence, diaries, illustrations, and sketches from some of history’s most influential geographers and explorers.
l British Association for the Advancement of Science archive: This archive connects the works, thoughts and interactions of the most influential scientists of the time and documents the history of British science from the 1830s through the 1970s across disciplines and universities.
l Environmental Science and History archive: This archive focuses on the critical aspects of environmental science, history and anthropogenic change and includes unique and rare archival collections from multiple global sources.
Trial access: until 2024.10.04
2. Accessing the database
(1) Please go to the NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements.
NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at (02)33662326 or e-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw
Published: 2024.9.5