
新增數位典藏: 齊邦媛教授手稿資料


一、     數位典藏簡介

本校外文系齊邦媛教授(1924-2024),早歲就讀武漢大學哲學系、外文系,師從朱光潛、吳宓,曾任教於本校外文系、臺中一中、中興大學、靜宜大學,並於1969年創辦中興外文系,任首屆主任;1972年轉任國立編譯館人文社會組主任,推動多項經典編譯計畫;1992年任《The Chinese PEN》主編,其後繼續推動當代文學作品的外譯計畫;2009年其自傳《巨流河》出版,風靡華文世界,獲亞洲出版獎首獎等諸多獎項。齊教授以其文學功績,先後獲頒五四獎文學交流獎、國家二等卿雲獎章、總統文化獎文藝獎,本校、中興大學、佛光大學、美國印第安納大學等亦先後授予榮譽博士。齊邦媛教授手稿資料數位典藏資料庫,目前收錄《巨流河》等多種作品手稿資料。


二、     資料庫連線方式

1.    於本館特藏資源搜尋入口查詢資料庫名稱。

2.    請務必遵守使用注意

如有任何問題與建議,歡迎洽詢圖書館特藏組 Tel: 02-3366-2346; E-mail: tulcg@ntu.edu.tw



New Digital Archive: 齊邦媛稿資料

1.    Description

Professor Chi Pang-Yuan (1924-2024) of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of NTU, taught at Taichung First Senior High School and Providence University. In 1969, she established the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at National Chung Hsing University and served as its first chair. She was dedicated to promoting literary translation and exchange, and her 2009 autobiography "The Great Flowing River" received widespread acclaim. Throughout her life, she received numerous awards for her literary achievements and was awarded honorary doctorates from several universities. This database includes manuscripts of many of her works, including "The Great Flowing River."


2.    Accessing the database

(1)      Special Collections Search for the database name.

(2)   Please follow the terms and conditions.


If you have any questions, please contact us at 02-3366-2346 or e-mail: tulcg@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2024/06/20
