
試用資料庫: Anthropology Resource Library


Anthropology Resource Library提供人類學研究的多媒體資源,涵蓋田野調查筆記、文獻手稿與民族誌影片等,收錄內容如下:

1.      Anthropology Online》:收錄民族誌檔案、田野調查筆記、回憶錄,包括照片、信件、政府法院檔案等。

2.      Ethnographic Video Online Series I ~ V》:收錄經典民族志電影和原住民電影,以及皇家人類學學會所提供的人類學課程學習教材。

3.      Anthropological Fieldwork Online》:收錄1882-2002年第一手資源,主題涵蓋人類學史、文化研究、社會科學方法論、歷史與殖民研究、原住民族問題。

4.      Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods》:彙整20世紀至今考古發掘、研究方法與實務相關的檔案與資料。




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Database trial : Anthropology Resource Library

1. Description
Anthropology Resource Library contains field notes, draft manuscripts and published ethnographies from key scholars, enabling researchers to trace data gathered in the field to later analyses, drafts and publications. The Library contains the following collections:

(1) Anthropology Online brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over.

(2) Ethnographic Video Online Series I-V: contains classic and contemporary ethnographies, documentaries and shorts from every continent. All teaching material within this collection are created by the Education Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

(3) Anthropological Fieldwork Online: This fully indexed database with archival collections from North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific - including key field notebooks, images, and recordings of the early- to mid-20th century.

(4) Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods brings together archival and textual material relating to archaeological excavations, methods, and practices done in the late 20th century to present day.

Trial access: until 2024.7.7

2. Accessing the database
(1) Please go to the
NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements.

NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a
short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at (02)33662326 or e-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2024.6.18

