



1.      中國重要會議論文資料庫》:收錄1999年以來,中國科協系統及國家二級以上的學會、協會,高等院校、科研院所,政府機關舉辦的重要會議以及在國內召開的國際會議上發表的文獻。文獻總量370餘萬篇。

2.      學術輯刊庫》:收錄自1979年至今中國出版的學術輯刊,共計1,100餘種,30餘萬篇。輯刊的編輯單位多為高等院校和科研院所,其內容涵蓋自然科學、工程技術、農業、哲學、醫學、人文社會科學等領域。

3.      中國年鑒網出版總庫》:內容涵蓋基本國情、地理歷史、政治軍事外交、法律、經濟、科學技術、教育、文化體育事業、醫療衛生、社會生活、人物、統計資料、文件標準與法律法規等領域。目前年鑒總計5,330餘種,46千餘本,4,320餘萬篇。




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Database trial : Conference Proceedings Database and another two database

1.      Description:

(1) Conference Proceedings Database : Mainly collecting the conferences held by the China Association for Science and Technology and the national level two or above by the societies, associations, universities, research institutes, and government agencie.

(2) Academic Monographic Serials Database : Collecting more than 1,100 kinds of academic monographic serials published in China since 1979 with more than 367,000 articles. 

(3) China Yearbooks Full-text Database : Covers basic national conditions, geographical history, political and military diplomacy, law, economy, science and technology, education, culture and sports undertakings, medical and health care, social life, figures, statistical data, documentation standards, laws and regulations, and other fields. 

Trial access: until 2024.06.30

2. Accessing the database
(1) Please go to the
NTU Library Homepage and click “Search & Find”→ “E-resources”→ “Databases”→ “Trial”. And then click the link of the database you want to access in the trial list. To access trial databases from off-campus, please set up NTU SSL VPN.
(2) Please follow the terms and conditions in the database providers’ license agreements.

NTU Library welcomes any comments on our trial databases. Share your thoughts and suggestions after using a trial database by filling out a
short survey. If you have any questions, please contact us at (02)33662326 or e-mail: tul@ntu.edu.tw

Published: 2024.5.28
